9998 ISO

9998 ISO

Infobox Planet
minorplanet = yes
width = 25em
bgcolour = #FFFFC0
apsis =
name = 9998 ISO
symbol =

caption = Orbit of 9998 ISO (blue), planets (red) and the Sun (black). The outermost planet visible is Jupiter.
discovery = yes
discovery_ref = ["9998 ISO (1293 T-1)" JPL Small-Body Database Browser]
discoverer = C. J. van Houten, I. van Houten-Groeneveld & T. Gehrels
discovered = March 25, 1971
designations = yes
mp_name =
alt_names = 1293 T-1, 1991 PW15
mp_category =
orbit_ref =
epoch = October 27, 2007
aphelion = 2.3642513 AU
perihelion = 1.9577873 AU
semimajor = 2.1610193 AU
eccentricity = 0.0940445
period = 1160.3430335 d
avg_speed =
inclination = 3.91429°
asc_node = 345.10618°
mean_anomaly = 350.83002°
arg_peri = 33.12896°
satellites =
physical_characteristics = yes
dimensions =
mass =
density =
surface_grav =
escape_velocity =
sidereal_day =
axial_tilt =
pole_ecliptic_lat =
pole_ecliptic_lon =
albedo =
temp_name1 = Kelvin
mean_temp_1 =
max_temp_1 =
temp_name2 = Celsius
max_temp_2 =
spectral_type =
abs_magnitude = 15.2

9998 ISO is a main belt asteroid. It completes one orbit of the Sun every 3.18 years.

Discovered on March 25, 1971 by C. J. van Houten & I. van Houten-Groeneveld on archival images taken by T. Gehrels, the body was given a provisional designation of 1293 T-1. It was later renamed 9998 ISO to honour the Infrared Space Observatory. ["MPC 41571" Minor Planet Center]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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