10001 Palermo

10001 Palermo

Infobox Planet
minorplanet = yes
width = 25em
bgcolour = #FFFFC0
name = 10001 Palermo
symbol =

caption = Orbits of 10001 Palermo (blue), planets (red) and the Sun (black). The outermost planet visible is Jupiter
discovery = yes
discovery_ref = [Minor Planet Ephemeris Service]
discoverer = L.I. Chernykh
discovered = October 8, 1969
designations = yes
mp_name =
alt_names = 1969 TM1, 1991 RS27
mp_category =
orbit_ref = 1 MPO110572
epoch = October 27, 2007
aphelion = 2.6958732
perihelion = 2.0568556
semimajor = 2.3763644
eccentricity = 0.1344528
period = 3.67
avg_speed =
inclination = 7.42584
asc_node = 40.30754
mean_anomaly = 124.86314
arg_peri = 357.85987
satellites =
physical_characteristics = yes
dimensions = ~6 km
mass =
density =
surface_grav =
escape_velocity =
sidereal_day =
axial_tilt =
pole_ecliptic_lat =
pole_ecliptic_lon =
albedo =
temp_name1 = Kelvin
mean_temp_1 =
max_temp_1 =
temp_name2 = Celsius
max_temp_2 =
spectral_type =
abs_magnitude = 13.9

10001 Palermo is a main belt asteroid. Discovered on October 8, 1969, it was named "Palermo" after Palermo, the capital of Sicily where Giuseppe Piazzi made the first discovery of a main-belt asteroid, 1 Ceres. [citation|title = Citation for (10001)| series = MPC 41937|publisher = Minor Planet Center] The naming was made in January 2001 to honour the discovery of Ceres, as that was the 200th anniversary of that discovery. [cite journal|journal = Memorie della Societa' Astronomica Italiana|title = Minor Planet(10001) is named Palermo|author = Chernykh, L. I.|volume = 73|number = 3|pages = 624|date = September 2002|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002MmSAI..73..624C]

The asteroid is about six kilometers in radius, although it may be irregularly shaped. It orbits the Sun every 3.67 years.


External links

*JPL Small Body

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