José María Jarabo

José María Jarabo

José María Jarabo: (b. April 28, 1923 in Madrid, Spain - July 4, 1959) was a Spanish spree killer who between July 19 and July 21, 1958 murdered four people and an unborn baby.

Early life

He was born in Madrid, Spain on April 28, 1923. A few years later, he moved to Miami, Florida in the United States with his family. He hated the United States and for this, he committed his first crime (trafficking of human beings), was arrested and sentenced to a term of three years in prison. He was confined in a psychiatric hospital in Springfield, Florida. After he was released, Jarabo returned to Spain a few years later in the 1940s.

In Spain, Jarabo made many rich friends and started a career as a terrible gambler, spending the money that his mother sent him from Puerto Rico. According to Jarabo's friends, he spent a lot of money on poker and blackjack. Also, in 1950, he began to consume a lot of alcohol and drugs. In the 1950s, his financial situation was poor because his mother did not send more money. Jarabo was a handsome man who had a lot of sex with different women; he lived in hotels.

Jarabo had a British girlfriend named Beryl Martin who wanted to sell a ring. She gave it to Jarabo, who sold it to businessmen Emilio Fernandez and Félix López for a small amount. A few months later, Martin asked Jarabo to get the ring back. Jarabo decided to kill the two men rather than paying for it. [es icon]


On July 19, 1958, Jarabo went to the house of Emilio Fernandez. A 26-year-old servant woman allowed him to enter the house after Jarabo said that he was a police inspector. Once inside, Jarabo waited for Fernandez, while the servant went to the kitchen to do some housework. To get rid of a witness, Jarabo took an iron and hit the woman on the head. The young woman tried to defend herself, but Jarabo then fatally stabbed her with a kitchen knife.

After killing the young woman, Jarabo hid and waited for Fernandez. When Fernandez arrived home, Jarabo shot him in the head, killing him. Jarabo then looked for the ring but did not find it. Amparo Alonso entered the house and saw Jarabo. The woman asked, "Who are you?" Jarabo again claimed that he was a police inspector, but the woman did not believe him and tried to run. Jarabo shot her, killing the pregnant Amparo and her unborn baby. Jarabo slept there and returned to his hotel the next morning.

On July 21, Jarabo went to the store where Félix López worked. Jarabo hid and waited. When the businessman showed up, Jarabo shot him to the head. [es icon]

On July 22, Jarabo took a bloody suit to the dry cleaners. A few hours later, he was arrested by the police.

He was tried and convicted, receiving the death sentence for each of the murders. He was executed on July 4, 1959, by the use of the garrote vil. [es icon]


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