Hsingtien Temple

Hsingtien Temple

Hsingtien Temple is a popular temple in Taipei. The temple is named devoted to Kuan Kung, the patron god of businessmen, and is relatively recent in origin, it was only constructed in 1967. [ [http://www.asianinfo.org/asianinfo/taiwan/taipei_temples.htm#Hsingtien%20Temple Temples in Taipei ] ] Sculptures of dragons feature prominently in the temples design which is situated on a street corner near the center of the city. [Lisa Fetsis, [http://www.travelsmart.net/article/102186/ "TAIWAN A glimpse of Chinese religious traditions".] Accessed December 20, 2007.] The temple covers over 7,000 square meters. [ [http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/LOCAL/WEB/Eng/Content.aspx?Class=1&Para=84 Taiwan Festivals ] ]


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