Jaufre de Pons

Jaufre de Pons

Jaufre de Pons or Pon ( _fr. Geoffroy "or" Geoffroi, modern Occitan: "Jaufré", modern English: "Geoffrey") was a thirteenth-century knight and troubadour from the castle of Pons in the March of Poitou in the Saintonge.Egan, 98.] He composed "tensos" with his castellan, Rainaut de Pons. There is joint "vida" of Jaufre and Rainaut. Only two of his "tensos" survive and only one that has survived is with Rainaut ("Seign'en Jaufre, respondetz mi, si·us platz"). The other is a "partimen" with Guiraut Riquier ("Guiraut Riquier, diatz me," composed probably 1270 or 1280–1).Pfeffer, 107.] Jaufre's part in the debate consists in asking plain youthful questions about love only to receive the bitter and experienced answers of Guiraut in proverbial form. [Pfeffer, 108.]

Jaufre was probably the husband of Isabeau, daughter of Henry II of Rodez, a patron of troubadours. In 1292 he rendered homage to the lord of Châteauroux. Some scholars have suspected that there were more than one Jaufre de Pons (one from the Saintonge and another from the Toulousain). One Jaufre has been placed as early as 1200–1220. There were several Jaufres who were lords of Pons, so identifying the troubadour among them or their relatives is difficult based on the slender documentation.



*Egan, Margarita, ed. and trans. "The Vidas of the Troubadours". New York: Garland, 1984. ISBN 0824094379.
*Pfeffer, Wendy. "Proverbs in Medieval Occitan Literature". University Press of Florida, 1997. ISBN 0 8130 1480 8.
*Rochegude, Henri Pascal de. [http://books.google.com/books?id=E3OnaSnrXYoC&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22Le+Parnasse+occitanien,+ou+Choix+de+po%C3%A9sies+originales+des+troubadours%22&ei=sqFlR8SyBYWwtgPFrPCZAw#PPP3,M1 "Le Parnasse occitanien, ou Choix de poésies originales des troubadours".] Benichet, 1819. See page 384 for Jaufre's "vida" in Occitan.

External links

* [http://www.rialto.unina.it/GrRiq/248.40(Betti).htm Jaufre's "tenso" with Guiraut Riquier.]

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