

Gunnampalli is a village on NH - 5 between Bheemadole and Nallagerla in Andhra Pradesh in India.

Gunnampalli is one of the biggest panchayithies in Dwaraka Thirumala mandal West Godhavari dt. Andhra pradesh.This Panchayithi contains 4 villages. The Population of the village is around 4000. And the Co - operative Society, which contains around 7 Villages as part of it is located in center of the village. And the Panchayithi Office , Water tank and temples are there in once place.

The famous temples in this village are Sri Sitha Rama Temple, Subrhamanya Swami Temple, Hanuman Temple, and Sai Baba Temple are there in Center of the village, and Vinayaka Temple is there in East - South end of the Village. Every year the people celebrate all the Festivals like Sri Rama Navami, Vinayaka Chavithi, Subrhamanya shasti and Krishna Astami.

The village has a primary school for 1st to 5th standard and the ZPOH School up to 10th standard. This ZPOH school was established in 1964. There are no colleges in this village. Most of the people go to Nallagerla for college studies, and some go to Eluru, Vijayawada.

This is mainly an Agriculture based village. In this village people cultivate almost all crops, though principally rice, corn, sugar cane, tobacco, and groundnut. Apart from these, coconut, oil palm, sunflower etc,.

In almost all sides of the village, lakes and canals are there. In the east side there is a big lake called "Ura Cheruvu", and in north side, The right canal of Polavaram reservoir project, and south side The canal for "Ethi Pothala Padhakam"

Postal Address

Gunnampalli [Post] Dwaraka Thirumala [Md] West Godhavari [Dt] Andrapradesh Pin: 534425

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