Frænkel Land

Frænkel Land

Frænkel Land is an area in East Greenland bounded by the inner reaches of Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord and "Isfjord". It was named "Frænkels Halfö" by A.G. Nathorst on his 1899 expedition after Knut Frænkel, the Swedish engineer and meteorologist on Andrée’s balloon expedition to the North Pole. Nathorst’s expedition was searching for traces of the lost Andrée expedition.

In the southwesternmost part of Frænkel Land lies "Petermann Bjerg" (73°05′N 28°37′W), a mountain 2940 m high. It was named by the Second German North Polar Expedition 1869–70 as "Petermanns Spitze" in honour of the initiator of the expedition, August Heinrich Petermann.

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