

Family name
name = Johanson

pronunciation =
meaning = "son of Johan"
region =
origin = Germanic
related names = Johansson, Johansen
footnotes =

Johanson is an English language patronymic surname meaning "son of Johan". It is uncommon as a given name. There are alternate spellings, such as "Johannson", the Swedish"Johansson", and the Danish/Norwegian "Johansen". People with the name Johanson or variant spellings include:

* Arvid Johanson (b. 1929), Norwegian politician
* Donald Johanson (b. 1943), American paleoanthropologist
* Sue Johanson (b. 1930), Canadian writer, public speaker, registered nurse, sex educator
* Reg Johanson (b. 1968), Canadian composition and literature instructor, poet and essayist
* Jai Johanny Johanson (b. 1944), American musician
* Bryan Johanson (b. 1951), American musician and composer
* Anton Johanson (1877 - 1952), Swedish footballer
* Chris Johanson (b. 1968), American artist
* MaryAnn Johanson (b. ?), American film critic, author
* Herbert Johanson (1884 - 1964), Estonian architect
* Jay-Jay Johanson (b. 1969), Swedish musician, singer, songwriter

ee also

* Johansson
* Johansen

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