Miss Panamá

Miss Panamá

Miss Panama is the common name or sash used to identify a Panamanian representative in an international pageant. Panama selects representatives to different contests including Miss Universe and Miss World. The first national pageant was "Miss Panamá" held from 1982 to 1987. In 1982, "Señorita Panamá" was created and is being held ever since. These pageants, along with smaller pageants such as "Miss International Panamá" and "Miss World Panamá" were or are celebrated to select delegates for international representations.

Miss Panamá


Miss Panamá pageant was born in 1952, when an invitation was received by tourism authorities to select a contestant for Miss Universe. In 1977, Carolina Chiari acquired the rights of the pageant and created a televised contest. The winner went to Miss Universe and the 1st runner-up went to Miss World, until 1980. Miss Panamá last edition was in 1987.


Miss International Panamá

Born in 2004, this contest sends winners to the Miss International pageant in Japan. "Tania Hyman's Models and Talents" organize the pageant.


Miss Earth Panamá

"Physical Modelos" agency owned the Miss Earth franchise from 2002 to 2007. Tania Hyman's Models and Talents acquired the franchise in 2001 and re aqcuired it again for 2008. In 2009, the Miss Earth delegate will come out of the TV Reality Show Realmente Bella


External links

* [http://www.telemetro.com/realmentebella Señorita Panamá]
* [http://www.wilhelminapanama.com/ Wilhelmina Panama Talents (Miss World Panamá)]
* [http://www.taniamodels.com/missinternational/missinternational.html Tania Hyman's Models & Talents (Miss International Panamá)]
* [http://www.physicalmodelos.com/ Physical Modelos (Miss Earth Panamá)]
* [http://www.voy.com/213424/ Miss Panamá y Bellezas Universales (Foro Oficial)]

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