George Brizan

George Brizan

George Brizan (born 1942) is a Grenadian political figure who served as the Caribbean island nation's interim Prime Minister for four months in 1995. He moved to the top post in February, upon the resignation of Nicholas Brathwaite, and remained in office until Keith Mitchell was inaugurated on 22 June.

Following studies in economics, history and education, George Brizan began public service as a teacher at the venerable Grenada Boys Secondary School (GBSS) and later as vice-principal of the Institute for Further Education (IFE). On several occasions he was called upon by governments to serve in various capacities particularly in the areas of trade and development.

Brizan led the National Democratic Party, which merged with the Grenada National Party and the Grenada Democratic Movement in August 1984 to create the New National Party (NNP). ["May 1988 - Internal political and economic developments", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 34, May, 1988 Grenada, Page 35888.] "Political Parties of the World" (6th edition, 2005), ed. Bogdan Szajkowski, page 265.] In April 1987, Brizan went into opposition and founded the National Democratic Congress (NDC). He was subsequently succeeded as NDC leader by Nicholas Brathwaite. Braithwaite became Prime Minister following the NDC victory in the 1990 election, and Brizan served in Braithwaite's Cabinet as Minister of Finance before being moved to the post of Minister of Agriculture on April 27 1992. In both of these positions, he additionally held the portfolios of Trade, Industry, Production and Energy. ["Apr 1992 - GRENADA", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 38, April, 1992 Grenada, Page 38861.]

After Braithwaite resigned from the party leadership in July 1994, Brizan was elected as NDC leader at a party convention on September 4 1994. ["Sep 1994 - New ruling party leader", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 40, September, 1994 Grenada, Page 40176.] He then became Prime Minister upon Briathwaite's resignation from that position on February 1 1995. In addition to serving as Prime Minister, he took responsibility for the portfolios of External and National Security, Home Affairs, Agriculture, and Personnel and Management. ["Feb 1995 - New Prime Minister - Government changes", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 41, February, 1995 Grenada, Page 40402.]

The NDC was beaten in the June 1995 general election, and Brizan resigned from the party leadership after the NDC suffered a more severe defeat in the January 1999 general election, failing to win any seats.


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