- Glory Canal
The Glory Canal or Glory River (Nahar al-Aaz) is a shallow
canal inIraq about two kilometers wide built bySaddam Hussein in1993 to redirect water flowing from theTigris river into theShatt al-Arab [ [http://usinfo.state.gov/xarchives/display.html?p=washfile-english&y=2002&m=October&x=20021001134129vsilverman@pd.state.gov0.6485712 Saddam Hussein Has Destroyed 90 Percent of Iraq’s Wetlands Heritage ] ] . It is considered by many as an environmental and humanitarian disaster since it bypasses the Tigris-Euphrates alluvial salt marsh and effectively convertedwetlands into adesert [ [http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iraq/2002/iraq-021001-usia04.htm News from the Washington File ] ] . After theFirst Gulf War , Saddam Hussein aggressively revived a program to divert the flow of the Tigris and theEuphrates rivers away from the marshes in retribution for a failedShia uprising [ [http://www.cceia.org/resources/transcripts/5102.html The Marsh Arabs of Iraq: The Legacy of Saddam Hussein and an Agenda for Restoration and Justice ] ] . This directly effected theMarsh Arabs , forcing them to abandon the settlements in the region. Since2003 , the marshland ecoregion has recovered substantially with the breaching of dykes by local communities [http://www.grid.unep.ch/product/poster/images/iraqi_marshlandsb] .ee also
Marsh Arabs
*Tigris-Euphrates river system
*Habitat destruction External links
* [http://usinfo.state.gov/xarchives/display.html?p=washfile-english&y=2002&m=October&x=20021001134129vsilverman@pd.state.gov0.6485712] "Saddam Hussein Has Destroyed 90 Percent of Iraq’s Wetlands Heritage"
* [http://www.cceia.org/resources/transcripts/5102.html] "The Marsh Arabs of Iraq: The Legacy of Saddam Hussein and an Agenda for Restoration and Justice"
* [http://www.edenagain.org/publications/pdfs/newslet0704.html] The Eden Again ProjectReferences
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