Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation

Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation

Positions and Movement

The position of a limb is defined by identifying it with the coordinates of the SoR. Movements of limbs are also defined, oriented and measured in relation to the SoR.

To document transitions between static positions the system takes into consideration the type of movement, amount of movement, spatial orientation and sense (clockwise or anti clockwise), of the movement.

Types of Movement

Three types of movement are defined: "Rotatory movement", when the limb rotates around its axis without changing its place in space. An example of such movement is turning a door knob. "Plane movement", the shortest distance traveled by a limb between any two positions on the SoR. “Jumping jacks” exercise is an example for Plane movement. "Conical movement", can be seen in the waist when doing the hula hoop.


The flexibility and utility of EWMN allows it to be applied in a wide variety of fields. It has been used to record movements and forms of the hands and fingers in sign language [cite book|title= A new dictionary of sign language |author= Cohen, E.; Namir, L., Schlesinger, I. M. Paris |publisher=The Mouton |place=The Hague] [Eshkol, N.; Harries J.G., Zeidel, S., Shoshani, M. The hand book. Israel: The Movement Notation Society; 1972] ; in the composition of dances [Eshkol, N. Right Angled Curves (Dance suite). Israel: The Movement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University; 1975.] , and the recording of folk dances [Eshkol, N.; Bone, O., Harries, J.G., Kopit, Z., Nul, R., Sella, R., Shoshani, M. Debka. Israel: The Movement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University; 1974. Twenty- four notated Arab folk dances and Ten Israeli dances based on the debka.] ; it has been used in the fields of medicine [Teitelbaum P.; Maurer R.G., Fryman J., Teitelbaum O.B., Vilensky J., Creedon M.P. Dimensions of disintegration in the stereotyped locomotion characteristic in Parkinsonism. American Psychological Association. 1994.] , the Feldenkrais Method [Eshkol, N. et al. 50 lessons by Dr. M. Feldenkrais. Israel: The Movement Notation Society; 1980. An extended notated record of work in the Feldenkrais method of body awareness.] and sports [Arad, M.; Sonnenfeld, M., Eshkol, N. Physical training. Israel: Israel Music Institute; 1969. Notated exercises, displays, track and field events and swimming.] . The notation has also been used to record the courting behavior of jackals [Golani, I. Homeostatic motor processes in mammalian interaction: A Choreography of Display. Perspectives in Ethology. 2: 1976.] , and other ethological research [Pellis, S. M. A description of social play by the Australian magpie gymnorhina tibicen based on Eshkol-Wachman notation. Bird Behaviour. 3:61-79; 1981] . It was used in the field of graphic and kinetic visual art [Harris, J. G. A proposed notation for visual fine art. Leonardo. 8:295-300; 1975. Exposition of the use of EW notation in visual art composition.] , and a computer system has been written to plot any movement that can be recorded in EWMN [Eshkol, N.; Melvin, P., Michl, J., Von Foerster, H.,Wachman, A. Notation of movement. USA: Biological Computer Laboratory. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois; 1970. Report on computer-assisted research carried out at the University of Illinois.] . The notation can easily lend itself to applications in the fields of robotics, animation or motion picture. The system was successfully used to detect the very first movement patterns which are a precursor to the development of Autism. The research carried out by Prof. Philip Teitelbaum and Osnat Teitelbaum at the University of Florida was based entirely on the use of EW to study infant movements. It shows that specific movement patterns appearing in the first few months of life can be a reliable predictor of the later development of Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. [cite journal |journal= Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A |date= 2004 |volume=101 |issue=32 |pages=11909–14 |title= Eshkol-Wachman movement notation in diagnosis: the early detection of Asperger's syndrome |author= Teitelbaum O, Benton T, Shah PK, Prince A, Kelly JL, Teitelbaum P |doi=10.1073/pnas.0403919101 |pmid=15282371 |url=]





Eshkol, N.; Wachman, A. Movement notation. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson;1958.The original exposition of the system by N. Eshkol and A. Wachman.

Eshkol, N.; Melvin, P., Michl, J., Von Foerster, H.,Wachman, A. Notation ofmovement. USA: Biological Computer Laboratory. Department of ElectricalEngineering, University of Illinois; 1970.Report on computer-assisted research carried out at the University of Illinois.

Eshkol, N. Movement Notation Survey. Israel: The Movement Notation Society; 1973.

Hoyman, Annelis S. Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation. USA: Urbana, Illinois;1984.A dictionary of the signs and symbols used in this notation method.

Hutchinson-Guest, A. Dance Notation. The process of recording movement on paper.London: Dance Books; 1984, 108-114.

Eshkol, N.; Harries, J. G., EWMN Part I. Israel: The Movement Notation Society;2001.

Composition in EWMN

Eshkol, N. Right Angled Curves (Dance suite). Israel: The Movement Notation Society& Tel Aviv University; 1975.Explanation of EW and the score of a dance suite by Noa Eshkol.

Eshkol, N. Diminishing Series (dance suite). Israel: The MovementTel Aviv University; 1978.Explanation of EW and the score of a dance suite by Noa Eshkol.

Eshkol, N. Rubaiyat (dance suite). Israel: The Movement Notation Society & Tel AvivUniversity; 1979.Explanation of EW and the score of a dance suite by Noa Eshkol.

Eshkol, N. Angles and Angels (dance suite). Israel: The Movement Notation Society &Tel Aviv University; 1990.Explanation of EW and the score of a dance by Noa Eshkol.

Cohen, E.; Hetz, A. Study and Studio. Israel: Jerusalem Rubin Academy of Musicand Dance, 1993.

Cohen, E.; Breitbart, O. D’muyot (Wandering Figures). Jerusalem: The RubinAcademy of Music and Dance; 2001.

Classical forms of Dance

Eshkol, N.; Nul, R. Classical ballet. , Israel: Israel Music Institute; 1968.The basic canon of the classical ballet, written in EW.

Eshkol, N. Tomlinson’s Gavot. Israel: Tel Aviv University; 1985.An eighteenth century dance written in Labanotation, Benesh Movement Notation andEW Movement Notation.

Composition and Graphic- Kinetic Art

Harries, J.G.; Shapes of movement. Israel: The Movement Notation Society; 1969.EW applied in visual art composition.

Harries, J.G. Language of shape and movement. Israel: The Movement Notation Society& Tel Aviv University; 1983.Full exposition of the use of EW in visual art forms.

Harries, J.G. Symmetry and Notation. Israel: Tel Aviv University; 1985.Study of an aspect of computer-implemented graphics generated through the means ofEWMN.

Physical Education

Arad, M.; Sonnenfeld, M., Eshkol, N. Physical training. Israel: Israel Music Institute;1969.Notated exercises, displays, track and field events and swimming.

Sonnenfeld, M.; Shoshani, M., Eshkol, N. Twenty-Five lessons by Dr. MosheFeldenkrais. Israel: The Movement Notation Society; 1981.A notated record of work in the Feldenkrais method of body awareness.

Eshkol, N. Twenty-Five lessons by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. (Second edition). Israel:The Movement Notation Society; 1976.Second and revised edition.

Eshkol, N. et al. 50 lessons by Dr. M. Feldenkrais. Israel: The Movement NotationSociety; 1980.An extended notated record of work in the Feldenkrais method of body awareness.

Eshkol, N. et al. 50 Lessons by Dr. M. Feldenkrais. Second Edition. Israel: TheMovement Notation Society; 1989.

tudies in Animal Behavior

Golani, I. The golden jackal. Israel: The Movement Notation Society; 1969.Notated record of studies in animal behavior carried out by Dr. Ilan Golani at theZoology Department, Tel-Aviv university.

Zeidel, S. In the steps the of horses. Israel: Institute of Human Ecology; 1990.

Folk Dances

Shoshani, M.; Zeidel, S., Eshkol, N. Dances of Israel. Israel: Israel Music Institute;1970.Fory- five notated variations of Yemenite-jewish women’s dances and seventeen IsraeliFolk dances.

Eshkol, N.; Harries J.G., Zeidel, S., Shoshani, M. The hand book. Israel: TheMovement Notation Society; 1972.Notation of Mudras, conventional hand forms of the Indian classical dance.Notation of detailed hand and finger movements in sign language and other fields.

Eshkol, N.; Zeidel, S., Sapir, T., Shoshani, M. The Yemenite dance. Israel: TheMovement Notation Society; 1971.A notated collection of 142 variations of the Yementie-jewish folk dance.

Eshkol, N.; Bone, O., Harries, J.G., Kopit, Z., Nul, R., Sella, R., Shoshani, M. Debka.Israel: The Movement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University; 1974.Twenty- four notated Arab folk dances and Ten Israeli dances based on the debka.

Eshkol, N.; Zeidel, S. In the steps of the Hora. Israel: The Movement NotationSociety & Tel Aviv University; 1986.An EW reader and study of ethnic dances from Israel.

Zeidel, S. Ethnic dance: variations in six . Israel: The Movement Notation Society;1987.

Education: Teaching EWMN

Eshkol, N.; Seidel, S., Sapir, T., Nul, R., Harries, J.G., Shoshani, M., Sella, R.Moving Writing Reading. Israel: The Movement Notation Society & Tel AvivUniversity; 1973.Thirty-five simple movement exercises: an EW reader.

Sapir, T.; Eshkol, N. Hanukka Notebook. Israel: The Movement Notation Society & TelAviv University; 1987.A reader for teachers and students of EW Movement Notation.

Jones, D.; Cohen, E., Lin, H., Segev, R., Hermon, S. Dance and movement. Jerusalem:Ministry of Education and Culture; 1990.

Eshkol, N. A Children’s Work. Israel: The Movement Notation Society, 1997.A reader.

Cohen, E. Movement and Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation. Jerusalem: Ministry ofEducation and Culture;1999.

Comparitive Analysis of Momvement Notatations

Eshkol, N.; Shoshani, M., Dagan, M. Movement notations (Part I). Israel: TheMovement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University. 1979.Eshkol, N.; Shoshani, M. Movement Notation (Part Two). Israel. The MovementNotation Society & Tel Aviv University, 1982.A comparative study of Labanotation and Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.

Hutchinson-Guest, A. Choreo Graphics. New York: Gordon and Breach; 1989.

Eshkol, N.; Shoshani, M., Harries, J. G. Tavim Leriqud – CMDN. Israel: TheMovement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University; 1991.Hebrew translation of the English textbook of a Chinese dance notation method.

ign Language

Cohen, E.; Namir, L., Schlesinger, I. M. Paris: A ne w dictionary of sign language. TheMouton, The Hague; 1977.A dictionary of sign language.

Eshkol, N.; Harries J.G., Zeidel, S., Shoshani, M. The hand book. Israel: The MovementNotation Society; 1972.

Martial Arts

Eshkol, N.; Harries, J.G., Sella, R., Sapir, T. The quest for T’ai Chi Chuan. Israel: TheMovement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University; 1986.An EW reader and study of Cheng’s short from of this martial art.

Eshkol, N.; Sapir, T., Sella, R., Harries, J.G., Shoshani, M. The quest for T’ai ChiChuan. Israel: The Movement Notation Society & Tel Aviv University; 1988.Second and expanded edition. Includes three styles of the solo exercise of this martial artform.

Appel, A. Karate. Israel: Minimol Publisher, 1990.



Yanai, Z. Notation for the liberation of movement. Journal of IBM. 34-35; 1974.A general article about EWMN.

Yanai, Z. Notacion para la liberacion de movimiento. “Ariel” Revista Trimestral desArtes a Letras de Israel. 31:114-130; 1974.

Harris, J. G. A proposed notation for visual fine art. Leonardo. 8:295-300; 1975.

Yanai, Z. Eine schrift für freie bewegnung .“Ariel” Berichte zur Kunst und Bildung inIsrael. 22:114-130; 1975.

Yanai, Z. Un systeme de notation pour la liberation de mouvement. “Ariel” Revuetrimestrielle des arts et letters en israel. 33:114-130; 1975.

Kleinmann, S. Movement notation systems: An Introduction. Quest monographXXIII. Winter Issue, January: 33-56; 1975.

Harries, J.G.; Richmond, G. A language of movement. New Dance. 22:14-17; 1982.General article about EWMN.Yanai, Z. Notation for the liberation of movement. Contact Quarterly. 82(7):7-15; 1982.

Drews, H. Transformation: Bewegung im Noatation und Digitaler Verarbeitung – Phd.Dissertation. Der Fakulteat für Geschichte, Kunst und Orientwissenschaften. UniversitatLeipzig eingereichte, Germany. 2001.

Composition and Graphic-Kinetic Art

Harris, J. G. A proposed notation for visual fine art. Leonardo. 8:295-300; 1975.Exposition of the use of EW notation in visual art composition.

Harris, J. G. A proposed notation for visual fine art. Visual Art Mathematics andComputers. Malina, F. J., Ed. New York: Pergamon Press. 69-74; 1978.

Harries, J.G. Personal computers and notated visual art. Leonardo. 14(4):299-310;1981.Article on the combination of EW and computer technology in the composition andproduction of visual art.

Harries, J.G. Symmetry and rotation: regularity and symmetry in notated computergraphics. Computer and Math with Applications (GB), Hargittai, Ed. New York:Pergamon Press. 12b(1-2): 303-314; 1986.

Harries, J.G. Symmetry in the Movements of T’ai Chi Chuan. Computers, Mathematicsand Applications. 17(406):827-835; 1989.

Harries, J. G. Reflections on Rotations. Symmetry: Culture and Science. 8 (3-4):115-332; 1997.

Animal Behavior

Golani, I. Homeostatic motor processes in mammalian interaction: A Choreography ofDisplay. Perspectives in Ethology. 2: 1976.

Ganor, I.; Golani, I. Coordination and integration in the hindleg steps cycle of the rat:Kinematic Synergies. Brain Research 164; 1980.

Moran, G.; Fentress, J.C., Golani I. A description of the relational patterns of movementduring ritualized fighing in wolves. Animal Behavior. 29:1146-1165; 1981.

Pellis, S. M. A description of social play by the Australian magpie gymnorhina tibicenbased on Eshkol-Wachman notation. Bird Behaviour. 3:61-79; 1981

Pellis, S. M. An analysis of courtship and mating in the Cape Barren goose Cereopsisnovaehollandiae latham based on Eshkol-Wachman movement notation. BirdBehaviour. 4:30-41; 1982.

Pellis, S. M. Development of head and foot coordination in the Australian Magpiegymnorhina tibicen, and the function of play. Bird Be haviour. 4: 57-62; 1983.

Pellis, S. M. What is "fixed" in a fixed action pattern? A problem of methodology. BirdBehaviour. 6: 10-15; 1985.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Kolb, B. The mating movements of male decorticate rats: evidence forsubcortically generated movements by the male but regulation of approaches by thefemale. Behavioural Brain Research. 17: 171-191; 1985.

Pellis, S. M.; Officer, R. C. E. An analysis of some predatory behaviour patterns in fourspecies of carnivorous marsupials (Dasyuridae), with comparative notes on the eutheriancat Felis catus. Ethology. 75: 177-196;1987.

Pellis, S. M.; Pellis, V. C., Chesire, R. M., Rowland, N. E., Teitelbaum, P. Abnormalgait sequence in the locomotion released by atropine in catecholamine deficient akineticrats. Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences. 84: 8750-8753;1987.

Yaniv, Y.; Golani, I. Superiority and inferiority: A morphological analysis of free andstimulus bounds behavior in honey badger (Mellivora capensis) interactions. Ethology.74:89-116 ; 1987.

Eilam, D.; Golani, G. The ontology of exploratory behavior in the house (Rattus Rattus):The mobility gradient. Developmental Psychobiology. 21(7):679-710; 1988.

Pellis, S. M.; O'Brien, D. P, Pellis, V. C., Teitelbaum, P., Wolgin, D. L., Kennedy, S.Escalation of feline predation along a gradient from avoidance through "play" to killing.Behavioral Neuroscience. 102:760-777; 1988.

Faulkes, Z. Sand crab digging: The neuroethology and evolution of a “new” behavior.B.Sc, University of Lethbridge. 1988.

Pellis, S. M. Fighting: the problem of selecting appropriate behavior patterns.Blanchard, R. J.; Brain, P. F., Blanchard, D. C., Parmigiani, S., Eds. EthoexperimentalApproaches to the Study of Behavior. 361-374; 1989.

Teitelbaum, P.; Pellis, S. M., DeVietti, T. L. Disintegration into stereotypy induced bydrugs or brain da

Whishaw, I. Q.; Pellis, S. M. The structure of skilled forelimb reaching in the rat: Aproximally driven stereotyped movement with a single rotatory component. BehavioralBrain Research. 41: 49-59;1990.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Pellis, S. M., Gorny, B. P., Pellis, V. C. The impairments in reachingand the movements of compensation in rats with motor cortex lesions: A videorecordingand movement notation analysis. Behavioural Brain Research. 42: 77-91; 1991.

Golani, I. A Mobility Gradient in the Organization of Vertebrate Movement: ThePerception of Movement Through Symbolic Language. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.Vol 15(2): 249-308; 1992.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Pellis, S. M., Gorny, B. P. Skilled reaching in rats and humans:Evidence for parallel development or homology. Behavioural Brain Research. 47: 59-70; 1992.

34. Whishaw, I. Q.; Dringenberg, H. C., Pellis, S. M. Forelimb use in free feeding byrats: Motor cortex aids limb and digit positioning. Behavioural Brain Research. 48:113-125; 192.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Pellis, S. M., Gorny, B. P. Medial frontal cortex lesions impair theaiming component of rat reaching. Behavioural Brain Research. 50: 93-104;1992.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Pellis, S. M., Pellis, V. C. A behavioral study of the contributions ofcells and fibers of passage in the red nucleus of the rat to postural righting, skilledmovements, and learning. Behavioural Brain Research. 52: 29-44; 1992.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Pellis, S. M., Gorny, B., Kolb, B., Tetzlaff, W. Proximal and distalimpairments in rat forelimb use in reaching following pyramidal tract lesions.Behavioural Brain Research. 56:59-76; 1993.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Gorny, B., Tran-Nguyen, L. T. L., Castañeda, E., Miklyaeva, E. I., Pellis,S. M. Doing two things at once: Impairments in movement and posture underlie theadult skilled reaching deficit of neonatally dopamine-depleted rats. Behavioural BrainResearch. 61: 65-77; 1994.

Field, E. F.; Whishaw, I. Q., Pellis, S. M. An analysis of sex differences in themovement patterns used during the food wrenching and dodging paradigm. Journal ofComparative Psychology. 110: 298-306; 1996.

Ivanco, T. L.; Pellis, S. M., Whishaw, I. Q. Skilled movements in prey catching and inreaching by rats (Rattus norvegicus ) and opossums (Monodelphis domestica ): Relationsto anatomical differences in motor systems. Behavioural Brain Research. 79: 163-182;1996.

Pellis, S. M. Righting and the modular organization of motor programs. Ossenkopp,K.P.; Kavaliers, M., Sanberg, P.R., Eds. Measuring Movement and Locomotion: FromInvertebrates to Humans. 115-133; 1996.

Faulkes, Z.; Paul, D. H. Digging in sand crabs (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippoidea):Interleg coordination. Journal of Experimental Biology. 200: 793-805;1997.

Field, E. F.; Whishaw, I. Q., Pellis, S. M. The organization of sex-typical patterns ofdefense during food protection in the rat: The role of the opponent’s sex. AggressiveBehavior. 23: 197-214; 1997.

Field, E. F.; Whishaw, I. Q., Pellis, S. M. A kinematic analysis of sex-typical movementpatterns used during evasive dodging to protect a food item: The role of gonadalandrogens. Behavioral Neuroscience. 111: 808-815; 1997.

Iwaniuk, A. N.; Nelson, J. E., Ivanco, T. L., Pellis, S. M., Whishaw, I Q. Reaching,grasping and manip ulation of food objects by two tree kangaroo species, Dendrolaguslumholtzi and Dendrolagus matschiei. Australian Journal of Zoology. 46: 235-248;1998.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Woodward, N. C., Miklyaeva, E., Pellis, S. M. Analysis of limb use bycontrol rats and unilateral DA-depleted rats in the Montoya staircase test: Movements,impairments and compensatory strategies. Behavioural Brain Research. 89:167-177; 1998

Whishaw, I. Q.; Sarna, J., Pellis, S. M. Evidence for rodent-common and species-typicallimb and digit use in eating derived from a comparative analysis of ten rodent species.Behavioural Brain Research. 96:79-91; 1998.

Iwaniuk, A. N.; Whishaw, I. Q. How skilled are the skilled limb movements of theraccoon (Prycyon lotor). Behavioural Brain Research. 99:35-44; 1999.

Pasztor, T. J.; Smith, L. K., MacDonald, N. L., Michener, G. R., Pellis, S. M. Sexual andaggressive play fighting of sibling Richardson’s ground squirrels. Aggressive Behavior.27: 323-337; 2001.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Gorny, B., Foroud, A., Kleim, J. A. Long-Evans and Sprague-Dawleyrats have similar skilled reaching success and limb representations in motor cortex butdifferent movements: some cautionary insights into the selection of rat strains forneurobiological motor research. Behavioural Brain Research. 145: 221-232; 2003.

Gharbawie, O. A.; Whsiahw, P. A., Whishaw, I. Q. The topography of three-dimensionalexploration: a new quantification of vertical and horizontal exploration, postural support,and exploratory bouts in the cylinder test. Behavioural Brain Research. 151:125-135;2004.

Neurological Syndromes

Cohen, E.; Sekeles, C. Integrated treatment of Down’s Syndrome children through musicand movement. Proceeding of the Fourth International Conferences of DACI. 2:1988.

Teitelbaum P.; Maurer R.G., Fryman J., Teitelbaum O.B., Vilensky J., Creedon M.P.Dimensions of disintegration in the stereotyped locomotion characteristic inParkinsonism. American Psychological Association. 1994.

Teitelbaum P.; Behrman A., Fryman J., Cauraugh J., Maurer R.G., Teitelbaum O.B.,Principles for the design of walking robots derived from the study of people withParkinson’s Disease. Paper submitted to the Conference on Simulation of AnimalBehavior, Brighton, England, August 8-12. 1994.

Teitelbaum, P.; Teitelbaum, O.B., Nye J., Fryman, J., Maurer, R.G. Movement analysisin infancy may be useful for early diagnosis of Autism. Proc. National Academy ofScience. 95:13982-13987; 1998.

Whishaw, I. Q.; Suchowersky, O., Davis, L., Sarna, J., Metz, G. A., Pellis, S. M. Aqualitative analysis of reaching-to-grasp movements in human Parkinson’s disease (PD)reveals impairments in coordination and rotational movements of pronation andsupination: a comparison to deficits in animal models of PD. Behavioural BrainResearch. 133:165-176; 2002.

Teaching EWMN

Cohen, E. On teaching Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation to academic students.Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Movement Notation, Hong Kong.1990.

Shoshani, M. An Analysis of the use of Eshkol Wachman Movement Notation for dancecomposition. Dance Study Dep. Surrey University, UK. 1994.


Eshkol-Wachman movement notation is a system to record movement on paper developed by choreographer Noa Eshkol (daughter of Levi Eshkol) and architect Abraham Wachman. It was originally developed for dance to enable choreographers to write a dance down on paper that dancers could later reconstruct in its entirety, much as composers write a musical score that musicians can later play.

In comparison to most dance notation systems, Eshkol-Wachman movement notation was intended to notate any manner of movement, not only dance. As such, it is not limited to particular dance styles or even to the human form. It has been used to analyze animal behaviour as well as dance (Golani 1976).

Eshkol-Wachman movement notations treats the body into a sort of stick figure. The body is divided at its skeletal joints, and each pair of joints defines a line segment (a "limb"). For example, the foot is a limb bounded by the ankle and the end of the toe.

The relationship of those segments in three dimensional space using a spherical coordinate system. If one end of a line segment is held in a fixed position, that point is the center of a sphere whose radius is the length of the line segment. Positions of the free end of the segment can be defined by two coordinate values on the surface of that sphere, analogous to latitude and longitude on a globe.

Limb positions are written somewhat like fractions, with the vertical number written over the horizontal number. The horizontal component (the lower) is read first. These two numbers are enclosed in brackets or parentheses to indicate whether the position in being described relative to an adjacent limb or to external reference points, such as a stage.

Eshkol-Wachman scores are written on grids, where each horizontal row represents the position and movement of a single limb, and each vertical column represents a unit of time. Movements are shown as transitions between initial and end coordinates.

The Movement Notation Society, located in Holon, Israel, is the official organization devoted to Eshkol-Wachman movement notation.

Further reading

Eshkol, N. 1971. "The Hand Book". Tel-Aviv: The Movement Notation Society.

Eshkol, N. 1980. "50 Lessons By Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais". Tel-Aviv: The Movement Notation Society.

Eshkol, N. 1990. "Angles and Angels". Tel-Aviv: The Movement Notation Society.

Eshkol, N. & Wachmann (sic), A. 1958. "Movement Notation". London: Weidenfield & Nicholson.

Golani, I. 1976. Homeostatic motor processes in mammalian interactions: a choreography of display. In: P.P.G. Bateson & P.H. Klopfer (eds.), "Perspectives in Ethology", Volume 2, pp. 69-134. New York: Plenum Press.

Hutchinson Guest, A. 1984. "Dance Notation: The Process of Recording Movement on Paper". London: Dance Books.

Hutchinson Guest, A. 1989. "Choreo-Graphics: A Comparison of Dance Notation Systems from the Fifteenth Century to the Present". New York: Gordon and Breach.

External links

* [ Movement Notation]
* [ Movement and notation] - Home of EW Notator software
* [ Eshkol-Wachman movement notation]

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