Shamshi-Adad I — (fl. late 18th century BC (short chronology)) rose to prominence when he carved out a large kingdom in northern Mesopotamia, the Old Assyrian Kingdom, although the Assyria was soon defeated by Hammurabi of Babylon and remained in the shadow of… … Wikipedia
Iasmah-Adad — (reigned ca. 1796 1776 b.c.) The fourth Amorite ruler of Mari and the son of the Amorite king of Assyria, Shamshi Adad. The second Amorite king of Mari, Iahdun Lim, was succeeded by one of his sons, Samu Iamin, who may have obtained the throne … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary
Shamshi-Adad Ier — Samsî Addu Samsî Addu (forme akkadienne : Shamshî Adad), roi d Ekallatum, fondateur du Royaume de Haute Mésopotamie (c. 1815 1775 av. J. C.). Son nom signifie Addu (le dieu de l Orage) est mon soleil . Fils d Ila Kabkabu, il est originaire d … Wikipédia en Français
MARI — MARI, one of the principal centers of Mesopotamia during the third and early second millennia B.C.E. The archaeological and epigraphical discoveries there are of prime significance for the history of Mesopotamia and Upper Syria. The Akkadian… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Zimrilim — was king of Mari from about 1779 to 1757 BCE.He was the son and heir of Iakhdunlim, but was forced to flee to Yamkhad when his father was assassinated by his own servants during a coup. The city was occupied by Shamshi Adad I, the king of Assur,… … Wikipedia
Rulers of Mesopotamia — The numbers concern regnal year. Dates for all of the third and much of the second millennium are provisional. Several dynasties or individual reigns were contemporary with others. EARLY DYNASTIC PERIOD Kish Mebaragesi c. 2650? Agga c. 2600?… … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
Ishme-Dagan I — was the son of the Amorite king Shamshi Adad I, put on throne of Ekallatum by his father after a successful military attack. He ruled the area of the upper Tigris, including the city state of Assur. After Shamshi Adad s death he managed to rule… … Wikipedia
Ekallatum — was an ancient city of upper Mesopotamia. The exact location of it has not yet been identified, but it was located somewhere along the left bank of the Tigris, south of Assur.Ekallatum, whose name means the palace, was the capitol of an Amorite… … Wikipedia
Hatzor — Hazor Tels bibliques – Megiddo, Hazor, Beer Sheba 1 Patrimoine mondial Vue aérienne de Tel Hazor Latitude Longitude … Wikipédia en Français
Hazor — Tels bibliques – Megiddo, Hazor, Beer Sheva * … Wikipédia en Français