

Spellemannprisen is an award for Norwegian artists. The award was established on the initiative of IFPI (International Organization for Record Companies) and was first awarded in 1973 for the year 1972 and has been awarded every year since. The award is arranged by the "Spellemannscommittee" which is decided by IFPI Norway and FONO.

The prizes are divided into 17 genres and 4 additional selections (Spellemann of the year, newcomer, hit, and music video). In addition, the committee decides whether or not to give out an award for honor. There is a jury for each of the 21 classes, and the members of each jury are kept secret to both the other juries and outsiders. The winners are decided on a point system. Normally there can be only three participants nominated for each class. The jury then votes for a nominee who will win a bronze statuette and a diploma.

Classes and awards

Award year by year

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