Andreas Aarflot

Andreas Aarflot

Andreas Aarflot (born 1 July 1928 in Yiyang) is a Norwegian theologist and bishop emeritus in the Church of Norway.

Aarflot was born in China where his mother and father served The Norwegian Missionary Company in the Hunan province.

He is cand.theol. from MF Norwegian School of Theology (1951) and dr.theol. from University of Oslo (1970). Furthermore he has studied in Heidelberg, England and USA, and is an honorary doctor at St. Olaf College (1987) and honorary member of "Finska kyrkohistoriska sälllskapet" (1978).

Aarflot has among other things worked for Den norske sjømannsmisjon and Indremisjonsselskapet, and served as a priest in Røyken. He was connected with the MF Norwegian School of Theology (1960), faculty lecturer (1968) and "dosent" (1970) before he became a professor in 1976. The same year he was proclaimed bishop in the Diocese of Borg after Per Lønning withdrew as a protest on legalizing abortion. Aarflot was considered a moderately conservative, holding centrist views in the Church of Norway, seen theologically.who|date=December 2007


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