Triglyceride lipase

Triglyceride lipase

Symbol = Lipase_3
Name = Lipase (class 3)

width =
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Pfam= PF01764
InterPro= IPR002921
SCOP = 3tgl
OPM family= 135
OPM protein= 3tgl
PDB=PDB3|1uzaA:83-225 PDB3|1uwcB:83-225 PDB3|2bjhC:83-225PDB3|1uswA:83-225 PDB3|1lgyA:200-337 PDB3|3tgl :170-307PDB3|1dt3A:99-233 PDB3|1gt6B:99-233 PDB3|1du4B:99-233PDB3|1dteA:99-233 PDB3|1dt5A:99-233 PDB3|1einC:99-233PDB3|1tib :99-233

Triglyceride lipases are lipases that hydrolyse ester linkages of triglyceridescite journal |author=Chapus C, Rovery M, Sarda L, Verger R |title=Minireview on pancreatic lipase and colipase |journal=Biochimie |volume=70 |issue=9 |pages=1223–1234 |year=1988 |pmid=3147715 |doi=10.1016/0300-9084(88)90188-5] . These lipases are widely distributed in animals, plants and prokaryotes. This family was also called class 3 lipases as they are only distantly related to other lipase families.

Human proteins containing this domain



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