

Telecles ( _el. Τηλεκλῆς), was the pupil and successor of Lacydes, and was joint leader (scholarch) of the Academy at Athens together with Euander.

In the final ten years of Lacydes' life (c. 215-c. 205), Euander and Telecles had helped run the Academy due to Lacydes being seriously ill. They continued running the Academy after the death of Lacydes, without formally being elected scholarchs. On Telecles' death in 167/6 BC, Euander remained scholarch for a few more years. Euander himself was succeeded by his pupil Hegesinus.

Concerning the opinions and writings of this philosopher nothing is known. [Diogenes Laërtius, "The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers", iv. 60; Cicero, "Academica", ii. 6.]



*Algra, K., "The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy". Pages 32-33. Cambridge University Press. (2005).

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