- Pseudophyllidea
name = Pseudophyllidea
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Platyhelminthes
classis =Cestoda
ordo = PseudophyllideaPseudophyllid
cestode s (order pseudophyllidea) are a kind offlatworm with multiple "segments" (proglottid s) and twobothria or "sucking grooves" as adults. Proglottids are identifiably pseudophyllid as the genital pore and uterine pore are located on the mid-ventral surface, and theovary is bilobed ("dumbbell -shaped").Eggs have one flat end (the operculum) and a small knob on the other end. All pseudophyllid cestodes have a
procercoid stage in their life cycle, and most also have aplerocercoid stage.The most important family of pseudophyllid cestodes is
Diphyllobothriidae , which infectmammal s as theirdefinitive host s and use eithercopepod s (as in "Spirometra ") or both copepods and fish as in thebroadfish tapeworm asintermediate host s.When humans harbor
plerocercoid s of pseuddophyllidean cestodes outside the small intestine, it can causesparaganosis .
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