- Duggan Brothers Cement Factory
An episode of the hit reality TV series FEAR on MTV
Cast on this episode included: Jason Dinant, Abi Huff, Amanda, Paul, Mike Prophete, Liz Pantear, Carla Baron.
Cast and Colors:
(PURPLE) Abi, 22 years old, Los Angeles, CA
(YELLOW) Amanda, 18 years old, Spanaway, WA
(GREEN) Jason Dinant, 19 years old, Syracuse, NY
(WHITE) Liz, 21 years old, Bartlesville, OK
(RED) Mike, 23 years old, Waltham, MA
(BLUE) Paul, 19 years old, San Diego, CA
Dare 1: PURPLE (Abi) must go to the Suspended Furnace Tunnel. Once there, Abi must retrieve a piece of paper and bring it back to the safehouse. The paper states that she completed the dare. (Dare Complete)
Dare 2: YELLOW (Amanda) must go to The Scrubber. Once there, she is instructed to hold a tarantula on her arm for 2 minutes. Once dare is complete, Amanda must put the tarantula back in the jar and return to the safehouse. (Dare Complete)
Dare 3: GREEN (Jason Dinant) must go the Giant Coal Ramp. Once there, he must reanact the suicide of the Factory owner by pushing over a cinderblock that looks to be attached to a coil of rope that had a noose made at the end. (Dare Incomplete, Jason pushes over the block WITHOUT the noose attached to his neck, Jason Disqualified)
Dare 4: BLUE (Paul) must go to the Sunken Crusher Tunnel and set a rat trap, once dare is completed he must read the envelope aloud to his team stating that the dare is complete. (Dare Complete)
SECRET DARE: Paul is instructed to go to the Elevator Room and spend 2 hours there. The rest of the team only finds out of this dare once it had been complete and they are told that Paul has completed the FEAR experience and that they will never see him again.
Dare 5: RED (Mike) must go to the Sunken Crusher Tunnel and retrieve the Rat Trap set by Paul. (Dare Complete)
Dare 6: WHITE (Liz) must go to the Elevator Room and sit on the floor covered with crickets for 30 minutes in radio silence. (Dare Complete)
Dare 7: PURPLE (Abi) must go to the Electrical Service Basement and stick head in a hanging box. She is then instructed to pull a lever that will release hundreds of cockroaches on her head. (Dare Complete)
Dares of MTV's Fear#Duggan Brothers Cement FactoryLocation
Filmed on Location in Wilmington, North Carolina over Friday the 13th October, 2000.
Air Date
First Aired: February 18, 2001
Production Code: 101External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.