Pietro Guarneri

Pietro Guarneri

Pietro Guarneri (Peter of Venice or Pietro da Venezia) (April 14, 1695 - April 7, 1762), son of Giuseppe filius Andreae. Last of the Guarneri violin-makers.

Lived in Cremona with his father until 1718. Finding life in Casa Guarneri in some way uncongenial, left Cremona for good in 1718. The master eventually arrived and settled in Venice 1722-1724.

Here he blended the Cremonese techniques of his father with Venetian, perhaps working with Montagnana and Tononi. The Venetian makers of the same period were Matteo Gofriller, Carlo Annibale Tononi, Francesco Gobetti, Domenico Montagnana and Sanctus Seraphin.

By 1728 he married Angiola Maria Ferrari on 5th of April (1728), with whom he had ten children.

His first original labels from Venice date from 1730. His instruments are rare and as highly prized as those of his father and uncle.


*Walter Hamma, "Meister Italienischer Geigenbaukunst", Wilhelmshaven 1993, ISBN 3-7959-0537-0
*The Violin Makers of the Guarneri family, Their Life and Work - W.E. Hill & Sons, London, 1965
* [http://www.guarneri.net/filesite/pages/guarneri/delgesu.html Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesu]
* [http://www.cozio.com/Owner.aspx?id=23 Cozio.com]
* The Henry Hottinger Collection - Rembert Wurlitzer, 1967
* "The Henry Hottinger Collection", The Strad, October, 1965.
* Capolavori di Antonio Stradivari, Charles Beare, Arnoldo Mondadori S.p.A., Milan, 1987.
* A Thousand Mornings of Music, Arnold Gingrich, Crown Publishers, New York, 1970.
* Antonius Stradivarius, Dirk J. Balfoort, The Continental Book Company, Stockholm, 1945.
* Berühmte Geigen und ihre Schicksale, P. J. Tonger, Köln, 1919.
* Die Geigen und Lautenmacher vom Mitteralter bis zur Gegenwart, Willibald Leo von Lütgendorff, Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, Frankfurt am Main, 1922.
* Italian Violin Makers, Karel Jalovec, Paul Hamlyn, London, 1964.
* Italian Violin-Makers, Karel Jalovec, Orbis, Prague, 1952.
* Italienische Geigenbauer (1957), Karel Jalovec, Artia, Prague, 1957.
* Loan Exhibition of Stringed Instruments and Bows Commemorating the 70th Birthday of Simone Fernando Sacconi, Schuler Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1966.
* Meisterwerke Italienischer Geigenbaukunst, Fridolin Hamma, Hamma & Co., 1932.
* The Violin: Its physical and acoustic principles, Paolo Peterlongo, Paul Elek, London, 1979.
* "Eighteenth-Centruy Connections Through Musical Instruments", Gary Sturm, Journal of The Violin Society of America, Vol. IX, No. 2, 1988.
* "Exhibition of Violins and Bows in the Smithsonian Collection", Gary Sturm, Journal of The Violin Society of America, Vol. V, No. 2, Spring, 1979.
* "Guided Tour of the Library of Congress Collection of Stringed Instruments", Robert Bein, Journal of The Violin Society of America, Volume XVII, No. 2, November 4-7, 1999.
* "Ne Plus Ultra", John Dilworth, The Strad, December, 1987.
* 36 Famous Italian Violins, Alex Wasinski, Herman Gordon, New York, 1975.
* Evelyn & Herbert Axelrod Stringed Instrument Collection, Herbert Axelrod, 2002.
* "Poster supplement", The Strad, September, 1987.
* Italian Violin-Makers, Karel Jalovec, Orbis, Prague, 1952.
* Beautiful Italian Violins, Karel Jalovec, Paul Hamlyn, London, 1963.
* The Miracle Makers, Bein & Fushi, Chicago, 1998.

External links

* [http://www.guarnieri.com/ Guarneri family web page, violins, violin labels]
* [http://www.guarneri.net/ Guarneri web site]
* [http://www.theviolinsite.com/violin_making/index.html The Violin Site - Violin Making]

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