Germán Ré

Germán Ré

Football player infobox
playername = Germán Ré

fullname = Germán Davíd Ré
height = height|m=1.77
nickname =
dateofbirth = birth date and age|1981|11|2
cityofbirth = Villa Gobernador Gálvez
countryofbirth = Argentina
currentclub = Newell's Old Boys
clubnumber = 16
position = Defender
youthyears =
youthclubs =
years = 2002-present
clubs = Newell's Old Boys
caps(goals) = 181 (4)
nationalyears =
nationalteam =
nationalcaps(goals) =
pcupdate = 8 September 2008

Germán Davíd Ré (born November 2 1981 in Villa Gobernador Gálvez, Santa Fe) is an Argentine football defender currently playing for Newell's Old Boys.

Ré made his debut for the club in 2002, he has gone on to make over 150 appearances for the club. In 2004 he was part of the squad that won the Apertura 2004 tournament, playing mostly as a left-back. His natural position is centre-back


External links

*es [ Argentine Primera statistics]
* [ Football-Lineups player profile]
*es icon [ Epidemia Leprosa player profile]

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