Tsedenia Gebremarkos

Tsedenia Gebremarkos

Tsedina Gebremarkos is an Ethiopian artist. She has released songs about HIV/AIDS, and met Brad Pitt when he was visiting the country. [ [http://www.japantoday.com/news/jp/e/tools/print.asp?content=news&id=318358 "Brad Pitt visits Ethiopia to study AIDS"] (Japan Today website)] She shared the prize for best East African female at the Kora Awards in 2004 for the song "Ewedhalehu", with Achien'g Abura (Kenya) for her song "Toto Wangu." [ [http://www.capeargus.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=49&fArticleId=2343857 "SA musicians top of pops at Kora Awards"] (Cape Argus)]

Tsedina has recently worked with the Ethiopian dub band Dub Colossus. They released an EP, 'A Town Called Addis' in June 2008 through Real World Records [http://www.realworldrecords.com/catalogue/dub-colossus-ep] and a full length LP album of the same name was released in August 2008 exclusively through the Bowers & Wilkins [http://www.bowers-wilkins.co.uk/musicclub Music Club] .


* Bisetegn

Film appearances

Tsednia makes an appearance in Motherland and upcoming film (2009) from the producers of 500 Years Later." [ [http://www.themotherland.info/ml_cast.html "Cast List Motherland"] (ml2009)]


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