

Hoss may refer to:

In fiction:

* Hoss (comics), a fictional character appearing in Marvel Comics
* Hoss Cartwright, a fictional character in the TV show "Bonanza"
* Hoss Delgado, a fictional character from the animated television series "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy"

In music:

* "Hoss" (album), Lagwagon's third album
* Hoss (band), a hard rock band

In sports:

* Da Hoss, a bay throroughbred gelding
* Hoss (professional wrestling), a wrestler who is physically large but lacks other skills
* Hoss in bowling refers to a bowler who has all the skills necessary to score high, regardless of any deviations in lane condition, bowling ball, etc.

People named Hoss:

* Américo Hoss (1916-1990), prolific Hungarian- Argentine cinematographer
* Bill "Hoss" Allen (died 1997), American radio disc jockey
* Elijah Embree Hoss (1849-1919), American bishop
* Hoss (musician), drummer for punk metal bands Amen, and Nick Oliveri and the Mondo Generator
* Hoss (NFL) (born 1961), former NFL quarterback

ee also

* Boss Hoss
* Hoss's Steak and Sea House
* Höß
* Selim al-Hoss

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