

Importance is a notion of ecommerce (and other) systems that use a combination of user contribution and viewer ranking to determine a contributors value. A contributor who writes 1,000 product reviews but has them all ranked negatively by the viewing community may have a lower importance than a contributor who writes one review that is ranked favorably by 1,000s of viewers.

Importance is a fundamental part of how we function in society, but it is rarely understood. The timeless "How to Win Friends and Influence People" does an excellent job explaining importances' role in self-esteem and growth.

Simply, importance is the value of contribution and expertise to the community. Linus Torvalds importance to the Linux community is apparent to many in a subjective way, yet determining his objective importance is currently not possible.

Systems, such as ['s] platform, are becoming far better at valuing and sorting content based upon the level of contribution of an individual and the level of interaction and support that the viewing community gives the contributor. Ultimately a contributor's importance will determine how his (her) content contributions are presented to the viewing community. Important contributor's content will appear higher on the page and be used in many more locations.

Communicating the importance back to the contributor will create a positive feedback loop wherein more quality contributions will lead to higher placement of all contributions. This expertise that is conferred by the community supports and individuals need for place and importance in a given community.

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[ A page that displays usage of importance in reviews and questions and answers]

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  • importance — [ ɛ̃pɔrtɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1361; it. importanza, du lat. importare → 2. importer 1 ♦ Caractère de ce qui est important. ⇒ intérêt. Mesurer l importance d un événement. ⇒ dimension, gravité, portée. « Ces questions de langage me paraissent de haute… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • importance — importance, consequence, moment, weight, significance, import are comparable when they denote the quality or the character or the state of someone or something that impresses others as of great or sometimes eminent worth, value, or influence.… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • importance — Importance, Momentum, Pondus rei. Chose d importance, Res idonea de qua quaeratur, Res momentosa. Chose de si grande importance, Res magni momenti. Tu n as pas encores ouy ce qui est de plus grande importance, Nondum audisti quod est grauissimum …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • importance — Importance. subst. f. Consequence, ce qui fait qu une chose est importante. Il est de grande importance de bien commencer une affaire. c est une affaire d importance. l importance de la chose, de l affaire est que, &c. c est une affaire de plus… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • importance — [im pôrt′ ns] n. [MFr < OIt importanza] 1. the state or quality of being important; significance; consequence 2. Obs. a) a matter or consequence b) import, or meaning c) importunity SYN. IMPORTANCE, the broades …   English World dictionary

  • Importance — Im*por tance, n. [F. importance. See {Important}.] 1. The quality or state of being important; consequence; weight; moment; significance. [1913 Webster] Thy own importance know, Nor bound thy narrow views to things below. Pope. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • importance — UK US /ɪmˈpɔːtəns/ noun [U] ► the quality of being important: »Some managers acknowledge the importance of balancing work and family, and believe it necessary to design specific policies …   Financial and business terms

  • importance — (n.) c.1500, from M.Fr. importance or directly from M.L. importantia, from importantem (see IMPORTANT (Cf. important)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • importance — [n1] significance, weight accent, attention, bearing, caliber, concern, concernment, consequence, denotation, distinction, drift*, effect, emphasis, force, gist*, gravity, import, influence, interest, materiality, moment, momentousness,… …   New thesaurus

  • importance — I noun concern, concernment, consequence, distinction, eminence, emphasis, essentiality, fame, grandeur, gravity, greatness, import, influence, irreplaceability, magnitude, mark, materiality, materialness, memorability, memorableness, merit,… …   Law dictionary

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