Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification

Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification

Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC) is a checklist that developed from work done by the OCLC/RLG Programs and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) task force initiative.

The TRAC checklist is an Auditing tool to assess the reliability, commitment and readiness of institutions to assume long-term preservation responsibilities. Currently the repository is under the care of the Center for Research Library's (CRL) who are utilizing it in several independent projects. Eventually a complete audit and certification process for digital archives is expected to develop.


*" [ “Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC) : Criteria and Checklist”] " (the full report).

External links

Center for Research Libraries (CRL) report “Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC) : Criteria and Checklist”

ee also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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