

Hauge may refer to:


*Olav H. Hauge, a Norwegian poet
*Terje Hauge, a Norwegian football referee
*Ron Hauge, an American television writer
*Hans Nielsen Hauge, a revivalist Norwegian lay preacher
*Rune Hauge, a Norwegian football agent
*Louis J. Hauge, Jr., a United States Marine
*Michael Hauge, an American script consultant, screenwriter, author and lecturer
*Jens Christian Hauge, a Norwegian World War II resistance figure and politician
*Hans Nilsen Hauge, a Norwegian politician
*Frederic Hauge, a Norwegian and environmental activist
*Kjell Ove Hauge, a retired Norwegian shot putter and discus thrower
*Paul Hauge, a glorious agricultural teacher in the Corwith-Wesley school district and West Hancock school district


*Hauge, Rogaland in Sokndal municipality, Rogaland, Norway
*Hauge, Østfold in Hvaler municipality, Østfold, Norway


*Hauge Synod, a Norwegian Lutheran church body in the United States named after Hans Nielsen Hauge

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  • Hauge — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alfred Hauge (1915–1986), norwegischer Schriftsteller und Journalist Frederic Hauge (* 1965), Aktivist der Umweltschutzbewegung in Norwegen Hans Nielsen Hauge (1771−1824), Stifter einer religiösen Sekte in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hauge — Hauge, Hans Nielsen, geb. 3. April 1771 auf dem Hofe Hauge im Kirchspiel Thunö in Norwegen, Kaufmann u. Stifter der norwegischen Methodisten (Haugianer, Haugeriften); in religiöse Schwärmerei versunken, glaubte er sich zum Propheten berufen, trat …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Hauge — Hauge, Hans Nilsen, Stifter einer religiösen Sekte in Norwegen, geb. 1771 auf dem Hofe H. im Kirchspiel Thunö in Norwegen, gest. 1824 auf seinem Gute bei Christiania, hielt sich für einen von Gott berufenen und erleuchteten Propheten, trat seit… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Hauge —   [ hœjgə],    1) Alfred, norwegischer Schriftsteller, * Finnøy 17. 10. 1915, ✝ Stavanger 31. 10. 1986; schildert in seinen realistisch psychologischen Romanen religiös ethische Probleme. In der Romantrilogie »Hundevakt« (1961), »Landkjenning«… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Hauge — Sp Háugė Ap Hauge L P Norvegija …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • Haugė — Sp Háugė Ap Hauge L P Norvegija …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • Hauge, Rogaland — Hauge i Dalane or just Hauge (Haua in the local dialect) is the administrative centre of Sokndal municipality, Norway. Its total area is 2.35 km² [http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/02/01/10/beftett en/tab 2006 07 05 01 en.html Urban settlements …   Wikipedia

  • Hauge, Østfold — Hauge is a village on the island Vesterøy in Hvaler municipality, Norway. Its population (SSB 2005) is 320 …   Wikipedia

  • Hauge, Alfred — (1915 1986)    A Norwegian novelist and poet, Hauge is one of very few significant Norwegian writers who have been able to combine a personal commitment to Christianity with significant literary achievement. With his origins in a pietistic… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

  • Hauge, Alfred — ▪ Norwegian writer born October 17, 1915, Sjernarøy, Norway died October 31, 1986, Stavanger       Norwegian novelist and poet, best known for his trilogy describing the life of a Norwegian immigrant to the United States in the 1820s: Hundevakt… …   Universalium

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