- Rose Marie Bravo
Rose Marie Bravo is an American businesswoman. During her career, she has occupied leadership positions in several major fashion businesses and is now vice executive at Burberry , of which she wasCEO from 1997 to 2005.Bravo, whose Italian-born father owned a hairdressing business in the New York
Bronx , attended the elite publicBronx High School of Science and went on to study English literature atFordham University Kristina Zimbalist: [http://www.time.com/time/2004/style/020904/power/ Women in Fashion: Rose Marie Bravo. The Power List, #1.] ,Time Magazine . retrieved Dec 8, 2007.] . She graduatedcum laude and joined Abraham and Strauss' department store atLong Island as a buyer in 1971. In 1974, she was recruited byMacy's . When her company boughtI. Magnin she continued to work there until the bankrupt of Macy's in 1992. After five more years as a boss atSaks Fifth Avenue , Burberry chose to appoint her as a chief executive.In her new job she initiated a radical reform of the British classic brand and improvements of the company structure. Her strategy included signing top model
Kate Moss and recruiting the young designerChristopher Bailey in 2001, who was working forGucci at that time. [ [http://www.bockinfo.com/041116postcard.htm Postcards from the Digital Age] , Nov 16 2004. retrieved Dec 8 2007.] The Burberry line of products was greatly increased and especially the newly added perfumes contributed to the company's raising profits.With Bravo as a CEO, Burberry managed to expand greatly on the US market. The company's sales doubled from 470 million to 1 billion USD. The same happened to the profits, e. g. in the six months before September 30th, 2003 they increased to a total of 115 million USD. [BusinessWeek online: [http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_02/b3865702.htm The Best Managers of 2003] , Jan 12 2004. retrieved Dec 8 2007.]
In recognition of her work, she earned a reputation of being one of the top female business people. For instance, New York's
Wall Street Journal listed her in its 2004 top 50 hall of fame [http://www.ruggedelegantliving.com/a/003244.html retrieved Dec 8 2007.] ,Fortune Magazine ranked her #13in its 2004 and 2005 lists of "The 50 most Powerful Women in Business" outside the US. [Fortune Magazine : [http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/mostpowerfulwomen/2005/international/13.html Most Powerful Women in Business] . retrieved Dec 8 2007.]In 2005, Burberry announced Bravo would step down for
Angela Ahrendts (formerlyLiz Claiborne ). After a 6 months transitional period, Bravo retired as a CEO and became vice executive of Burberry.Sources
External links
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2002/jun/02/clothes.lifeandhealth Mammon Interview: Bravo encore at Burberry] , Observer - The Guardian, Jun 2 2002.
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