Giovanni Battista della Marca

Giovanni Battista della Marca

Giovanni Battista della Marca (1532-1587) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period.

He was also called also "Lombardelli" and "il Montano", and was born in Montenuovo. He was first a pupil of Marco da Faenza, and, according to Baglione, visited Rome during the papacy of Gregory XIII, painting in the style influenced by Raffaellino da Reggio, whom he assisted in some fresco paintings in the Vatican. In the church of San Pietro Montorio he painted a series of pictures of the "Life of St. Francis" and in Santa Maria de'Monti, a "Resurrection". There are several works of his in the churches at Montenuovo.


*cite book| first=Michael| last=Bryan| year=1886| title="Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical" (Volume I: A-K)| editor = Robert Edmund Graves| pages= pages 390-391| publisher=George Bell and Sons|location=York St. #4, Covent Garden, London; Original from Fogg Library, Digitized May 18, 2007 |id= |url=| authorlink=

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