Chalatenango, El Salvador (municipality)

Chalatenango, El Salvador (municipality)
Location of Department

Chalatenango, El Salvador is a municipality located in the department of Chalatenango in the North of El Salvador


The Municipality

Chalatenango is a department, a municipality, and a city (the capital of the Department of Chalatenango), located in the North of El Salvador. In 2005 the population of the municipality was 30, 671 inhabitants. The territorial extensión is distributed in the following manner: Rural land: approx. 131.05 km2. Urban land: approx. 75 km2.

For its administration the municipality is divided into 6 “cantons” and 36 “caseríos”. This population was founded in Pre-Columbian times by Lenca tribes, but by the end of the 19th Century was controlled by the Yaquis, or Pipiles, tribes. The name Chalatenango is derived from náhuat words chal (sand), at (water or river), and tenango (valley): thus the name means “valley of water and sands."

History of Chalatenango

The civilization of El Salvador dates from the PreColombian Era, from around 1500BC, according to experts (Embajada). On May 31, 1522, the first of the Spanish, under the leadership of Captain Pedro de Alvarado, disembarked on the Isla Meanguera, located in the Golf of Fonseca (Embajada). In June of 1524 Captain Alvarado began a war of conquest against the indigenous people of Cuzcatlán (land of precious things). After 17 days of bloody battles many people died but the Spanish were not defeated, so they continued their conquest (Embajada). During the following centuries the Spanish maintained their control, with European families controlling the land and the native and African slaves (Lonely Planet). Towards the end of 1810 the Priest José Matías Delgado, with the support of many people, began a rebellion (Embajada). After years of struggle, the Central American Independence Act was signed in Guatemala, on September 15, 1821 (Embajada).

In 1550 Chalatenango had 600 inhabitants. The mayor of San Salvador, don Manuel de Gálvez de Corral, wrote that in 1740 San Juan Chalatenango had about 125 inhabitants and 25 heads of tributary indigenous families. He claimed that the area was “very hot and healthy.” In 1770, according to Archbishop don Pedro Cortes de Larraz, Chalatenango was the capital of the large villages of Arcatao, Concepción Quezaltepeque and Techonchogo (today San Miguel de las Mercedes), plus 56 haciendas and prosperous valleys and other small villages.

On February 16, 1831, in the State of San Salvador, the title of “villa” was conferred to Chalatenango, in recognition of the important services given by this area in the process of independence and the armed struggles of 1827 and 1829 that ended in the reestablishment of constitutional order in Central America (Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo Municipal de Chalatenango).

Due to the repression of the landowners, in 1931 farmers and indigenous citizens began a rebellion (Lonely Planet). The army responded by killing 30,000 people, including the leader of the rebellion, Farabundo Martí, in a bloody act that was later referred to as La Matanza (The Massacre) (Lonely Planet). But the people remained unhappy with the government. This began a movement organized around leftist guerrillas to combat the repression violence (Stahler-Sholk, 1994:2). The government responded with violence, and the Death Squads were formed, which eventually killed and tortured thousands of people (Foley 2006). More political instability and the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero in 1980 sparked the beginning of the Civil War (Lonely Planet). This war, which lasted 12 years, resulted in the death of an estimated 75,000 people and the displacement of thousands more (Stahler-Sholk, 1994:3). The Peace Accords were signed on January 16, 1992 (Embajada).

The department of Chalatenango was heavily impacted by the Civil War. Many people of Chalatenango were forced to abandon their homes because of the violence. But beginning the early 1990s, and especially after the Peace Accords, the people have returned to repopulate the municipality.

Cantones and their Caseríos

Guarjila: Guarjila, Guancora, Ojo Blanco, El Potrero, El Roble, Guarjilita, Guancorita, Los Llanitos

Las Minas: Las Minas, El Jicaro, Los Alas, Los Calles, Los Brizuelas, Los Ramírez, Talchaluya

San José: San José, Las Mesitas, Los Hernández, Tamarindo, Los Amates

Chiapas: Chiapas, San Miguelito, Canyuco, Las Cañas, Tepeyac, El Aguacatio

San Bartolo: San Bartola, El Limón, El Dorado, El Cantón, Reubicaciones 1,2,y 3

Upatoro: Upatoro, El Chuptal, Totolco, Chacahuaca, El Terrero,

Source: Chalatenango Monografía del departamento y sus municipios. Instituto Geográfico Nacional Ingeniero Pablo Arnoldo Guzmán Centro Nacional de Registro. 1995.

Observation of the administrative political division

The above table does not reflect the actual situation of the caseríos. In the case of Guarjila, caserío Ojo Blanco no longer exists, it was abandoned during the war. Guancora is also known as Ignacio Ellacuria, and Guancorita no longer exists as a caseríos.

In Cantón Las Minas the caserío Talchaluya is uninhabited. Caserío San Miguelito is located in Cantón Chiapas but identifies socially, culturally, and economically with Cantón Las Minas.

In Cantón San José the caserío Cualcho is mentioned but it is actually not recognized as a caserío belonging to any municipality, since neither San Francisco Lempa nor Chalatenango recognize it.

In the case of Cantón San Bartolo, in official documents the places are named “Establishments of the Big Dam,” but the population identifies them as Rubicación (Relocation) 1, 2, and 3, or “the colonies.”

Names and Histories of the Cantones and Caseríos

Cantón Las Minas: The caserío El Jícaro was so named because there used to exist a tree of Morro, or Jícaro. The caserío Los Ramírez was so named because it used to be composed of an extended family whose last name was Ramírez. The same is true of the caseríos Ayala, Alas and Calles, which were all componed of extended families. The Cantón Las Minas (the Mines) was so named because there is a mineral in the mud and rocks which allows the people to make clay toys, jugs, figurines, etc. out of the material. Cantón Guarjila

According to the inhabitants Guarjila means “Beautiful Little Corner.” The population of Guarjila is composed of inhabitants from different parts of the department. The inhabitants think it is important to preserve the historical memories of this Cantón, because many places were abandoned during the war and although they are now resettled the disappearance of the older generation means that the memories are in danger of being lost completely. Cantón San José

Caserío Los Amates is named for the large number of amate trees which grow there. In various areas one can find things buried in the ground. It is said that in Hacienda La Concepción people have found money—silver coins—but they left it because they thought it was a trick of the devil (there used to be a burial site at this same location, which is why the people were scared). The names of the neighborhoods of Chalatenango:

San Antonio is called “neighborhood of the soursops (a locally-grown fruit),” because the trees which produce the fruit abound there.

El Calvario is called “the cursed.”

El Chile is so named because there are a lot of chilies there

The area below the military barracks is called “el culebrero,” because there used to be a lot of snakes there.

Box of Water is named because there are lots of water sources and the boxes which capture the water for the neighborhood are found there.


There are two main political parties in El Salvador, whose roots lie in the Civil War (Foley 2006, Stahler-Sholk 1994). The main right-wing party is La Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (Nactionalist Republican Alliance—ARENA), founded on September 30, 1981, and was in power during the last few wars of the Civil War (ARENA 2007). The Frente Farabundo Marti para La Liberacion Nacional (Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front--FMLN) the socialist party, is the direct descendent of the guerrilla troops that fought against the Salvadoran government, and was legally constituted as a political party on September 1, 1992 (Stahler-Sholk 1994:3). Since the Civil War the two have remained the country’s principal political parties, still divided by the left-right binary. Today ARENA describes itself as a party in whose “forming principals express that a democratic and representational system, which guarantees the freedom of action and the consequences of individual peaceful goals, are the quickest and stablest path to achieve integral development of the nation” (ARENA 2007). The FMLN “has begun to take steps…to act as a consequence of the historically created challenges, in order to make the party an organization of ‘social fighters…’and ‘to unify more’ the struggle for power (Comisión Nacional de Educación Política 2002). Other political parties in El Salvador include The Christian Democratic Party, The United Democratic Center, and The Party of National Conciliation.

The mayor of Chalatenango is Dr. Rigoberto Mejia, of the ARENA party.


83% of the population of El Salvador identifies as Roman Catholic, and the other 17% identify as “other” (CIA World Factbook). But in the last few years the population of Catholicism has been reduced (USBDHRL). There is a lot of Protestant activity in the country, and El Salvador has one of the highest rates of Protestantism in Latin America (Soltero y Saravia 2003:1). There is no doubt that religion plays an important role in the lives of many people. Patron-saint and other religious festivals are still very important and celebrated in almost all of the municipalities in the country, and almost all the cantones have their own patron-saint in whose honor the festival is celebrated.

Patron-Saint Festivals

Urban Center: June 23 and 24, in honor of St. John the Baptist

Barrio San Antonio: January 16-17, in honor of St. Anthony

Barrio La Sierpe: November 21, in honor of the Virgen of Peace

Barrio El Chile: December 30, a traditional festival

Colonia Fátima: May 13, in honor of the Virgin Fatima

Colonia Veracruz: May 3, in honor of the Holy Cross

Barrio el Calvario: las Saturday of January, in honor of the saint of Mercy

Upatoro: February 28, in honor of St. Roque

Caserío El Chuptal: January 30, in honor of St. Caralampio

Reubicación No. 1: January 15-18, in honor of the St. of Esquipulas.

Reubicación No. 2: October 14-15, in honor of St. Teresa de Jesús

Reubicación No 3: December 7-8, in honor of the immaculate conception.

Caserío Tepeyac: December 12, in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe

Guarjila: October 4, in honor of San Francisco de Asís

February 15-15, a traditional festival

October 10-12, to celebrate the repopulation of the village after the inhabitants relocated in 1987.

Caserío de Guancora: May 29, in honor of the Virgin Rosario

Cantón Las Minas: December 8, in honor of the Virgin Conception

Caserío El Jìcaro: February 13, in honor of St. Anthony of Padua

Cantón San José: March 19, in honor of St. Joseph


In the San Antonio neighborhood people traditionally took drums to the street and placed. This was a tradition that actually was not confined to just one neighborhood, since drum music was heard all over during festivals. There were also instruments made by the people themselves, with avocado tree wood and leather.

In past times the most popular types of music were valses, corridos, and rancheras, and popular instruments were drums, marimbas, guitars, violins, accordions, and maracas. This music is no longer heard very often.

Traditional Dances

When people used to dance to corrido music they danced separately. Another popular dance was the Zafacaite. These were traditional dances, not like those of modern day.

One of the traditional dances that the people used to dance was “los indios Calvareños,” (the Calvareño Indians), which was always done during the same month as the patron-saint festivals of the El Calvario neighborhood. It was a very happy and widely-accepted dance, even though some of the people did not know what it really meant but nevertheless identified it as part of the municipal identity, and specifically as part of the identity of the people of El Calvario.

Agricultural Production

The most ancient crop cultivated is indigo. In fact, the entire department of Chalatenango was one of the biggest producers of indigo, as demonstrated by the large number of former manufacturing plants found throughout the municipality. In some places only the foundations remain, but others are regularly maintained and conserved.

Other traditional crops that are important to local diets are corn, beans, sorghum (maicillo), native squash, rice, and vegetables. These crops essentially serve for family consumption, but in some cases the families sell them either directly or through intermediaries.

The population has become based more on livestock then on production of grains. On Tuesdays there is a market where people sell the livestock (mainly cows). There is also creation of artisanal dairy products, although the majority of milk that is produced is sold to intermediaries from Apopa or San Salvador.

Food and Drinks

Traditional foods include beans, tortillas, metas, soups, sweets, and seeds. Other traditional foods and dishes include:

1. “Chalateco gum,” which is a mix of toasted peanut and pipían (a local squash) seeds.

2. Tamales of tender corn and tamales “pisque”

3. Traditional candies, many of which are still made in San José

4. “Zorrillo” is the name of a dish of freshly cooked beans with tender mango

5. Chilate is atole (a drink made out of milk and corn) with yucca, eggs, or flour, and lots of honey or sugar.

6. “Mogo” is a dish made out of green, tender bananas, which are then ground and fried with either salt or sugar.

7. During Easter week the traditional food is: fish soup, chilate, mangos with honey, and jocotes (a small local fruit) in honey.

8. Sweet atole made out of whatever fruit is in season, such as mango, pineapple, and corn.

9. Pupusas (a stuffed corn tortilla) filled with various local vegetables.

10. Traditional breads, such as quesadillas, salpores, and marquezote. The majority of the ingredients used to make these foods and drinks are natural and are grown in the area. They also form part of the biodiversity that, in some cases, is threatened or in danger of extinction. Nevertheless these habits are less common as more people eat commercially produced foods.


The department of Chalatenango is home to the soccer team “Chalatenango FC: los duros del Norte.” The soccer stadium, Estadio Gregorio Martinez, is located in the municipality of Chalatenango a few miles outside of the city.

In summer of 2009, Chalatenango FC were suddenly closed down after selling their place in the Premier Division (LMF) to Municipal Limeño, a team from eastern El Salvador.

However, when the mayor of Nejapa refused the team from his city permission to play their games at the Municipal stadium, the team and its staff received permission to host games at the Gregorio Martinez stadium in Chalatenango. After playing for two months under the name of Nejapa, the team exchanged their red and white striped shirts for the purple and white colours of Chalatenango.

In 2010, the team applied to change its name from Nejapa to Alacranes del Norte (Northern Scorpions) but they have yet to receive official clearance to do this.

Tourist Sites

1. La Peña Hill

2. Turicentro Agua Fría

3. Natural pool Las Cocinas of Río Tamulasco in front of the entrance to San Miguelito.

4. The waterfall and natural pool La Joya

5. El Alto Hill

6. Chacahuaca River

7. El Dorado, Reubicación 2

8. Turicentro El Chaparral

Artisan Products

1. In Cantón Upatoro, Cantón Chiapas, Guarjila y the urban center of Chalatenango there are people who do traditional pottery in a wide variety of subtle ways.

2. Elaboration and reproduction of books about the history of repopulated or abandoned communities can be found in some municipalities.

3. In Cantón Las Minas there are people who do various forms of pottery and traditional pastry-making.

4. In Cantón San José Don Mateo there is a traditional sugar cane mill made out of wood; they make all kinds of honey, such as beaten or sweet, each year. Very few of these products are produced, some only produce a type of broth, and others do not even produce this.

5. In Reubicaciones there are people who make yucca flour, hammocks and fishing nets.

Archeological Sites

1. In Las Mesas people have found cups with figures on them.

2. In El Limón and El Dorado there are buried houses.

3. Above the pools of the Turicentro Agua Fría there are ancient works.

4. There is currently a project to create a Community Museum. The committee was formed on the initiative of people from Santa Teresa Potonico, who were relocated by construction of the Cerron Grande dam. This museum has managed to collect more than one hundred pieces, the objective of which is to show them to the communities and thus reconstruct and retransmit part of the history of these villages, especially those relocated by the dam. The museum is located in a house, the address of which is: contiguo a CEL polígono 14 Reubicación numero 2.

5. In El Cerro de Oliva there are stones with ironworks and figures. There is also a stone that moves.

6. In Cantón Chiapas, specifically in Gallinero, there used to be a village, and people have found artifacts made out of mud.

7. In the Caserío El Jicaro, Cantón Las Minas, there are foundations of old houses.


NOTE: Unless otherwise cited, all information extracted from Martínez Alas et al. "Diagnostico Cultural Municipio de Chalatenango, 2005." Reprinted with express permission of the Unidad Tecnica Intermunicipal de La Mancomunidad la Montañona, who commissioned the report.

ARENA. 2007. “Nuestra Historia.” [Online] Retrieved December 6, 2007.

CIA World Factbook. November 15, 2007. “El Salvador.” [Online]. library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/es.html. Retrieved December 5, 2007.

Comisión Nacional de Educación Política. 2002. “Historia del FMLN.” [Online] Retrieved December 6, 2007.

Embajada de El Salvador en EE. UU. (Embajada), De la Civilización a la Independencia. [Online]. Retrieved December 4, 2007.

Foley, Michael W. 2006. Laying the Groundwork: The Struggle for Civil Society in El Salvador. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. 38 (1): 67-104.

Lonely Planet. “El Salvador Background Information.” [Online]. Retrieved December 3, 2007.

Martínez Alas, José Salomón, Aguilardo Pérez Yancky, Ismael Ernesto Crespín Rivera, and Deysi Ester Cierra Anaya. 2005. “Diagnostico Cultural Municipio de Chalatenango, 2005.” El Instituo para Rescate Ancestral Indígena (RAIS): El Salvador.

Stahler-Sholk, Richard. 1994. El Salvador's Negotiated Transition: From Low-Intensity Conflict to Low-IntensityDemocracy. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. 36 (4): 1-59.

US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (USBHRL). November 8, 2005. “International Religious Freedom Report 2005.”

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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