

Carlini may refer to:
* Agostino Carlini (1718?–1790), Italian sculptor and painter
* Benedetta Carlini (1591–1661), Catholic mystic and lesbian nun
* Francesco Carlini (1783–1862), Italian astronomer
* Carlini (crater), a lunar crater

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  • Carlini (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=33.7 N or S=N longitude=24.1 E or W=W diameter=11 km depth=2 km colong=24 eponym=Francesco CarliniCarlini is a small lunar impact crater located in the Mare Imbrium. The crater is bowl shaped with a small central floor …   Wikipedia

  • Carlini, Armando — ▪ Italian philosopher born Aug. 9, 1878, Naples died Sept. 30, 1959, Pisa       Italian philosopher whose Christian spiritualism synthesized contemporary theories espoused by Giovanni Gentile and Benedetto Croce about the nature of phenomena.… …   Universalium

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  • Benedetta Carlini — (1591 1661) was a Catholic mystic and lesbian nun, who lived in Counter Reformation Italy during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Judith Brown chronicled her life in Immodest Acts (1986), which discussed the events that led to her archival… …   Wikipedia

  • Agostino Carlini — Retrato del escultor Nombre de nacimiento Agostino Carlini Nacimiento 1718 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Michel Carlini — (1889–1955) was a French politician. He served as the Mayor of Marseille, France s second largest city, from 1947 to 1953, and as a member of the National Assembly of France for the Bouches du Rhone from 1951 to 1955.[1] He was a member of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Benedetta Carlini — (née v. 1590 à Vellano, une frazione de la commune de Pescia, dans l actuelle province de Pistoia, en Toscane, alors dans le Grand duché de Toscane et morte en 1661) est une religieuse catholique italienne du XVIIe siècle, mystique et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Villa Carlini — (Passoscuro,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Florinas 50, 00054 Passoscuro, Италия …   Каталог отелей

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