- Set Svanholm
Set Svanholm (
2 September 1904 –4 October 1964 ) was a Swedishopera tictenor , considered the leading Tristan and Siegfried of the first decade followingWorld War II . [Rosenthal, H. and Warrack, J., 1979]Svanholm began his musical career at the age of 17 as a
precentor , elementary school teacher, and organist. He then studied at the Royal University College of Music in Stockholm as well as taking singing lessons from John Forsell, who also taughtAksel Schiøtz andJussi Björling . [ [http://www.svanholmsingers.nu/apps/article/article.php?article=17&lang=2&menu=2 Biography] on Svanholm Singers]He made his operatic debut as a baritone (Stockholm, 1930), singing the role of Silvio in "
Pagliacci ". He sang as a baritone for several years. Then in 1936, after further study, he debuted as a tenor, singing the role of Radamès in "Aida ". His firstWagner ian tenor roles (Lohengrin and Siegfried) followed in 1937.Svanholm sang regularly at the New York
Metropolitan Opera (1946-1956), theVienna State Opera (1938-42), andThe Royal Opera House in London (1948-57). He became the director of theRoyal Swedish Opera in 1956, a post he held until 1963.Recordings
*"Set Svanholm sings Wagner" - Arias and scenes from "Lohengrin", "
Tannhäuser ", "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg ", "Die Walküre " and "Tristan und Isolde " (Set Svanholm, tenor, RCA Orch; Frieder Weissmann, cond. & Philharmonia Orch;Karl Böhm , cond.) Preiser Records 89535
*Wagner: "Die Walküre" - Highlights (Set Svanholm,Birgit Nilsson , et al.; Josef Greindl cond.) Preiser Records 93447
*"Set Svanholm Live" - Excerpts from "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" (recorded live at the Royal Theater, Stockholm, 1939; Nils Grevillius cond.), "Aida" (recorded live at the Royal Theater, Stockholm, 1939; Leo Blech cond.), and "Götterdämmerung " (recorded live at theBayreuth Festspielhaus , 1942; Karl Elmendorff cond.) Preiser Records 90332
*Mahler : "Das Lied von der Erde " (Set Svanholm,Elena Nikolaidi , New York Philharmonic Orchestra;Bruno Walter cond.) Music & Arts Programs Of America 950References
*Benson, Robert E., 'Review: Set Svanholm sings Wagner', [http://www.classicalcdreview.com/set.htm "Classical CD Review"] . Accessed 9 December 2007
* [http://archives.metoperafamily.org/archives/frame.htm MetOpera database, Accessed 9 December 2007]
*'Svanholm, Set' in Rosenthal, H. and Warrack, J., 1979, "The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera", 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, p. 486
* [http://www.svanholmsingers.nu Svanholm Singers] , a Swedish malechamber choir founded by Set Svanholm's daughter, the choir conductor and educator, Eva Bohlin. Accessed 9 December 2007
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