

Acosta is a Spanish and Portuguese surname. Originally it was used to refer to a person who lived by the seashore or from the mountains ("encostas"). It comes from the Portuguese da Costa, which in Spanish became de Acosta.


*Alberto Acosta (born 1966), Argentine footballer
*Alberto Martín Acosta Martinez (born 1977), Uruguyan footballer
*Alda Ribiero Acosta (contemporary), American terrorist in Uruguay
*Armando Acosta (contemporary), doom metal drummer, former member of the band Saint Vitus
*Bertrand Blanchard Acosta (1895–1954), American aviator who flew in the Spanish Civil War
*Carlos Acosta (contemporary), Cuban ballet dancer
*Cristóvão da Costa or Cristóbal de Acosta (1515–1580), Portuguese physician and natural historian
*Felix Acosta-Nunez (20th c.), Dominican journalist and sports commentator
*George Acosta, A Miami-based DJ and producer of trance music
*Humberto Acosta-Rosario (1947–1968), Puerto Rican MIA in Vietnam
*Joaquín Acosta (19th c.), Colombian explorer and author
*Joe Acosta (1950—), Puerto Rican salsa piano player
*José de Acosta (1540–1600), Spanish Jesuit missionary to Latin America
*José Julián Acosta (1825–1891), Puerto Rican journalist and abolitionist
*Josephine Acosta Pasricha (1945—), Filipino Indologist and translator
*Juan F. Acosta (1890–1968), Puerto Rican composer and music teacher
*Julio Acosta García (1872–1954), President of Costa Rica 1920–1924
*Lautaro Acosta (1988-), Argentine footballer
*Manuel Gregorio Acosta (1921-1989), a Mexican-American painter
*Manuel da Costa (1541–1604), Portuguese Jesuit priest, teacher, and missionary
*Manny Acosta (born 1981) Panamian baseball player
*Martha Acosta (contemporary), Peruvian politician and congresswoman
*Mercedes de Acosta (1893–1968), Spanish-American poet, playwright, and designer
*Nelson Acosta (1944—), Uruguyan football player and coach
*Óscar Acosta (1933—), Honduran writer, critic, politician and diplomat
*Oscar Zeta Acosta (1935–1974), American attorney, author, politician, and activist
*Pedro Acosta (born 1959), Venezuelan football (soccer) defender
*Rodolfo Acosta (1920–1974), Mexican character actor
*Santos Acosta (1828–1901), President of Colombia 1876–1868
*Sergio D. Acosta (1981-), Award Winning Filmmaker
*St. Elmo W. Acosta (20th c.), American politician from Jacksonville, Florida
*Tomás Diez Acosta (born in 1946), Cuban revolutionary, teacher, and author
*Uriel da Costa (1585–1640), Portuguese philosopher and skeptic
*Yesenia Ortiz Acosta (1975–1999 [?] ), Puerto Rican woman who disappeared in 1999


*Acosta, lunar crater named after Cristóvão da Costa
*Acosta Bridge, bridge in Jacksonville, Florida named after St. Elmo W. Acosta
*Acosta (canton)

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