- Media in Iceland
The media in Iceland is well-developed for a country of its size. The
Constitution of Iceland guarantees absolutefreedom of speech , thereforeIceland ’s media is one of the freest in the world. Words are used as freely as any others and there isn't as much "Parental discretion advised", this is due to their wide variety in language.Television
The principal
television station in Iceland isRÚV , which isstate-owned . It has a commitment to promote theIcelandic language and the country’s history, and is partly funded bylicense fee ; the rest of the RÚV’s income comes fromadvertising . The channel broadcast by RÚV isSjónvarpið , which translates as ‘the television’. Broadcasts started in 1966, and coverage very quickly reached every household in Iceland. RÚV had amonopoly on domestic broadcasting until 1986.The main private television network is 365 corporation which runs numerous television stations including
Stöð 2 (lit. ‘Channel 2’) which broadcasts mostly American programming but also original Icelandic programming and news programms. Other notable channels owned by 365 includeStöð 2 sport , asports channel, and various other sports channels and a movie channel which broadcasts mostly American movies. All of 365's channels are funded by subscription fees and advertising sales with one exception,Skífan TV , a music channel with music videos 24/7. The only subscription free principal channel isSkjár einn , which mainly broadcasts American programming and original Icelandic programming and is completely funded by advertising sales. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/country_profiles/1025227.stm#media BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Country profiles | Country profile: Iceland ] ]Radio
Before television broadcasting started in 1966, RÚV had already been broadcasting
radio since 1930.Rás 1 is the principal radio station, along with its sister channelRás 2 .Bylgjan is a notable private broadcaster.Press
Literature is a favourite pastime of the Icelanders, and so the printed press in the country is quite well developed.
Fréttablaðið " is the principaldaily newspaper in Iceland, and has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the country. It is distributed by 365 hf. to homes, free of charge. "Morgunblaðið " is a much older newspaper, founded in 1913, and is "Fréttablaðið"’s main competitor. It’s readership is second largest after "Fréttablaðið". These are the two main publications in terms of the quality press.The
tabloid s include DV, a small yet controversial paper, now published only at weekends due to it being unprofitable.Viðskiptablaðið (lit. ‘the commercial newspaper’) is the country’s principal business-oriented newspaper.Magazines
Iceland Review is anEnglish language magazine about Iceland, published quarterly.References
List of Icelandic newspapers
*List of Icelandic magazines
*List of Icelandic television channels
*List of Icelandic radio stations ee also
Culture of Iceland
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