- Action of 16 May 1654
This battle, which took place on
16 May 1654 , was the first of a series of tough battles just inside the mouth of theDardanelles Strait , as Venice and sometimes the other Christian forces attempted to hold the Turks back from their invasion ofCrete by attacking them early.Venetian commander
Giuseppe Delfino reached the mouth of the Dardanelles on19 April after a voyage in which he lost 3 ships. His fleet of 16 sailing ships, 2 galleasses and 8galley s was not large enough or adequately prepared. Murad, the Turkish Kapudan Pasha (admiral) leftIstanbul with 30 sailing ships, 6 galleasses (known in Turkey as mahons), and 40 galleys on10 May and reached the Narrows, just above the mouth of the Dardanelles, on15 May . His fleet was formed into 3 lines: sailing ships first, then galleasses, then galleys. The next day Delfino attacked. His plan was for his ships to remain at anchor until the Turks passed and then to attack the rear. However most Venetian ships sailed too soon, leaving Delfinos ship, "San Giorgio grande", that of his second,Daniele Morosini , "Aquila d'Oro", along with "Orsola Bonaventura" (Sebastiano Molino), "Margarita", 2 galleasses and 2 galleys without support. "Aquila d'Oro" was attacked first, by a large Turkish ship which she managed to capture, before 5 Turkish vessels came to its rescue. The Turkish vessel ended up being burnt, leading to the burning of "Aquila d'Oro" too. Morosini was taken prisoner as he tried to flee in a boat. The action became more general, and when it was over the Venetians had lost 2 ships and 1 galley burnt, 1 galley captured, as well as the leader of the galleys,Francesco Morosini , killed, and Daniele Morosini captured. Total casualties were 30 killed and about 40 wounded, although one account had higher figures. Turkish losses were 2 sailing ships burnt, and perhaps 1 galleass and 1 galley lost.Order of battle
Venice (Giuseppe Delfino)
Many were hired Dutch or English ships
"San Giorgio grande" (flag)
"Aquila d'Oro" (Dutch "Gouden Arend") - Burnt
"Concordia" (Dutch "Eendracht")
"Casa di Nassau" (Dutch "Huys van Nassau")
"San Zorzi (Giorgio) piccolo" (Dutch "Kleene Sint Joris")
"Aquila Coronato" (Dutch "Kronede Arend")
"Orsola Bonaventura" (English "Ursula Bonaventure") - Burnt
"Anna Bonaventura" (English "Anne Bonaventure")
"San Michiel"
"Spirito Santo"
"San Giovanni"
"Conte Sdrin"/"Conte Desdrin"
"Genovese grande"
"Pinco Tremartino"
2 galleasses
8 galleys - flag galley of Francesco Morosini burnt, 1 other capturedTurkey (Murad)
30 sailing ships - 2 burnt
6 galleasses - 1 sunk?
40 galleys - 1 sunk?
Reserve fleet guarding retreat of 14 sailing ships and 22 galleysReferences
*"Naval wars in the Levant 1559-1853" (1952) - R. C. Anderson ISBN 1-57898-538-2
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.