Totally Integrated Automation
- Totally Integrated Automation
Totally Integrated Automation-TIA is a strategy (Philosophies / architecture) in the automation technology, which was developed since 1996 by [ Siemens Automation and Drives] . This strategy defines the interaction of extensive single components, tool (SW) and the services (spare part service, etc.) to achieve an Automation solution. The interaction performs integration across the four automation levels of the automation pyramid:
#Management level
#Operator’s level
#Controller’s level
#Field levelThe consistency of TIA offers a simplification and cost savings to companies involved in the value chain (OEM, System integration planner and end customer).
Sub definition: Automation is comprised of the essentials of the drives (frequency converter + motor), a programmable logic control as well as a Panel to the visualization.
External links
* [ Totally Integrated Automation]
* [ CA/articles]
* [ ITWissen]
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