Fundo Mhura

Fundo Mhura

Fundo Chifundo Mhura (born October 9, 1983 in Zomba, Malawi) is a Scottish amateur boxer best known for winning bronze at the 2006 European Amateur Boxing Championships at middleweight.


Mhura left the African country when he was five months old and has lived in Scotland since. He is a member of the Leith Victoria boxing club of Scotland. The 6'0 fighter fought for his native country Malawi at welterweight (69/152lbs) at the Commonwealth Games 2006 where he lost in the second round to Nigerian Olufemi Ajayi.

He moved up a division afterwards and became the first Scot to win a European boxing medal since Scott Harrison in 1996. He lost the semi-final controversially on points to Azeri Rahib Plavadov 18:23.

He has an an eye condition which is threatening to end his amateur career.

External links

* [ Commonwealth Bio]
* [ Euro results]

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