

Enchanté is a passion fruit flavoured sparkling beverage with an alcohol content of 3.5% with 25kcal/100ml. It is distributed in dark green 300ml glass bottles. When poured it is effervescent, with a similar appearance to Champagne although darker in hue. It can be mixed with spirits and other mixers. Enchanté is produced in Ipoh, Malaysia, and is sold throughout Malaysia with a distinctive dark green and gold label.

Enchanté is a regular sponsor of charitable and also fashion events.

Enchanté in the UK

From autumn 2007, Enchanté is being marketed in the United Kingdom, the first time the beverage has been marketed outside Malaysia. The packaging has been redesigned using the original dark and green theme but updated and designed to show a sharp and modern, yet distinctly Asian, image logo.

The UK marketing campaign was created by two Oxford University students, Leon Sing Foong (son of Datuk Dr. Foong, chairman of the Malaysian manufacturer of Enchanté) and Alexander Elias (son of Conservative Politician Jennie Elias). The marketing campaign has targeted men and women in their 20s and 30s and promotes the drink as an elite, sophisticated product.


External links

* [http://www.enchantedrink.com Official website] -

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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