European Union Force Chad/CAR, also EUFOR Tchad/RCA after the French, is the
European Union mission inChad and theCentral African Republic , authorized in late 2007. [ [http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/6283804.html EU council adopts military action in Chad, Central African Republic - People's Daily Online ] ] EUFOR Chad/CAR was authorized under the sameUnited Nations Security Council resolution that mandatedMINURCAT , a UN force tasked with training police and improving judicial infrastructure. [http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=76196 "CHAD: Dual peacekeeping mission seeks to dispel confusion"] , "IRIN ", 11 January 2008] The European Union Force's mandate includes "to take all necessary measures, within its capabilities and its area of operation in eastern Chad and the north-eastern Central African Republic" [ [http://www.undemocracy.com/S-RES-1778(2007)/page_3 Page 3 of Resolution 1778] , accessed 15 November 2007] to protect civilians, facilitate delivery of humanitarian aid, and ensure the safety of UN personnel. The EU operation commander, Lt. General Patrick Nash of theIrish Defence Forces , announced on 5 November [ [http://www.thetimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=606225 The Times article on 4,300 troop deployment instead of 3,000] , accessed 14 November 2007] that this force will be 4,300 troops strong, expected to begin deployment in February 2008. Out of these, 3,700 troops will be deployed in the area of operations, and a strategic reserve of 600 troops will be stationed in Europe. The military operation was approved by the Council of the European Union on 15 October [http://hdptcar.net/blog/2007/11/14/detailed-update-on-uneu-peacekeeping-mission-to-prevent-darfur-violence-spill/ UN monitoring website HDPT Central African Republic] , accessed 14 November 2007] .Contributors
Current confirmed contributors include (with number of troops committed):
* France – 2000 troops, 10 helicopters, 500 person logistical support
* Ireland – 450 troops including 50Irish Army Rangers [ [http://www.rte.ie/news/2008/0221/chad.html?rss "50 Irish Troops arrive in Chad"] , "RTE News ", 21 February 2008]
* Poland – 400 troops [http://www.pkwczad.wp.mil.pl/pl/index.html "Polska podjęła decyzję o wysłaniu do Czadu ok. 400-osobowego kontyngentu wojskowego(...)"] and 3Mi-17 helicopters.
* Sweden – 202 troops [cite web |url=http://www2.mil.se/sv/Insatser/Tchad/ |publisher=Swedish Armed Forces | accessdate=2008-04-03 | title="Insatser i världen/Tchad" | language=Swedish]
* Austria – 160 troops, 50 special forces of theJagdkommando [cite web|url=http://www.oe24.at/zeitung/oesterreich/politik/article167541.ece|title="Elite-Soldaten auf Tschad-Einsatz vorbereitet"|language=German|date=22 November 2007|accessdate=July 28|accessyear=2008|publisher=oe24.at]
* Romania – 120 troops
* Italy - 100 troops (Medical Role 2)
* Belgium – 100 troops, 22 special forces
* Spain – 100 troops
* Albania - 60 troops
* Finland – 60 troops
* Portugal - 1 C-130H with 30 Air Force personnel [cite web|url=http://www.emfa.pt/www/detalhe.php?cod=035.078|title="Força Aérea em missão no Chade"|publisher=Portuguese Air Force |language=Portuguese|accessdate=July 28|accessyear=2008]
* Slovenia - 15 special forces (ESD) including 1 in EUFOR HQ in Paris [cite web|url=http://slovenskavojska.si/dogodki_arhiv/200805/t20080527.htm|title="Slovenski vojaki že na območju delovanja v Čadu"|publisher=Slovenian Army|language=Slovenian|accessdate=July 28|accessyear=2008]
* Netherlands - 60 Marines [ [http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defense/index.jsp?plckController=Blog&plckScript=blogScript&plckElementId=blogDest&plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&plckPostId=Blog%3a27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3ae062b8a3-f05d-4f87-b01a-85c8eabb4489 "France's Helping Hand in Uruzgan has a Price"] , "ARES Defense Technology Blog", 26 March 2008]
* Croatia - 15Deployment
On 13th February 2008 it was announced that 50
Irish Army Rangers would be deployed toChad on Thursday 21 February 2008, [ [http://www.rte.ie/news/2008/0213/chad.html] , RTE (Irish Radio & Television) News Report 13 February 2008 ] under the command of Lt. Gen. Pat Nash.On 29th March 2008 the parliament of
Spain approved the deployment of 100 soldiers to serve as part of EUFOR Tchad/RCA, at the request of Foreign Affairs Minister,Miguel Ángel Moratinos . According to the dailyEl Pais the deployment would begin the following Sunday. [ [http://www.elpais.com/articulo/espana/Congreso/aprueba/envio/soldados/Chad/elpepuesp/20080529elpepunac_13/Tes "El Congreso aprueba el envío de 100 soldados a Chad"] ,"El Pais", 29 March 2008.]Croatia, which hopes to join the European Union soon, will participate in a EU force (EUFOR) deployed in the central African state of Chad where tensions remain high along the border with Sudan. Croatia's Defence Council had "decided to...send 15 members of the armed forces to the European Union's peace mission in Chad at the end of September or in October," said a statement from President Stipe Mesic's office. [cite web|url=http://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/1211207522.16|title=Croatia to participate in EU force in Chad|date=19 May 2008|publisher=EUbusiness|accessdate=July 28|accessyear=2008]
*On 4 March 2008, a French soldier was reported missing after he and another member of its special forces strayed into Sudan from Chad and were fired upon by Sudanese soldiers. His body was found on March 6. [cite web|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/06/world/africa/06chad.html?_r=1&oref=slogin|title=Sudan Finds Soldier Killed Near Border|publisher=
The New York Times |date=6 March 2008|accessdate=July 28|accessyear=2008]See also
European Union Force
*War in Chad (2005–present) Notes and references
External links
*Social Science Research Council (SSRC), [http://www.ssrc.org/blogs/darfur/2008/09/25/uneu-midterm-review-on-chad-%E2%80%93-a-few-thoughts/ "UN/EU Midterm Review on Chad – A Commentary"] , September 2008
*ISIS Europe, PDFlink| [http://isis-europe.org/pdf/2008_artrel_148_esr37euforchad-mar08.pdf "EUFOR Tchad/RCA – A Cautionary Note"] |114 KB, European Security Review, March 2008
* [http://hdptcar.net/blog/2008/02/13/new-agenda-for-the-european-peace-keeping-mission-in-chad-and-car/ Humanitarian and development organizations in CAR blog monitoring detailed progress of EUFOR TCHAD/RCA and MINURCAT]
* [http://consilium.europa.eu/cms3_fo/showPage.asp?id=1366&lang=en Official EUFOR TCHAD/RCA website]
*Bjorn Seibert, PDFlink| [http://web.mit.edu/SSP/Publications/working_papers/WP_07-1.pdf "African Adventure?: Assessing the European Union's Military Intervention in Chad and the Central African Republic"] |2.04 MB, MIT Security Studies Program Working Paper, November 2007
*Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), [http://www.rusi.org/research/studies/european/commentary/ref:C478F2F9354608 "EUFOR Chad/CAR: A Logistical Litmus Test"] , RUSI Analysis, January 2008
* EUFOR HQ in Abéché, Chad coord|13.8418|20.8370|type:landmark_scale:2000|display=inline , [http://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/11168718.jpgPanoramio]
* EUFOR HQ in N´Djamena, Chad coord|12.1432|15.0243|type:landmark_scale:2000|display=inline , [http://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/11185191.jpgPanoramio]
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