- Eulamprotes
name = Crocomela
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo =Lepidoptera
familia =Gelechiidae
genus = "Eulamprotes"Eulamprotes is a genus of moth in the family
Gelechiidae .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
name = Crocomela
regnum =
phylum =
classis =
ordo =
familia =
genus = "Eulamprotes"
Eulamprotes is a genus of moth in the family
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Список выемчатокрылых молей Бельгии — Chrysoesthia drurella … Википедия
Horsea Island — was an island located at the northern end of Portsmouth Harbour; gradually subsumed by land reclamation it is now connected to the mainland. Horsea falls within the city of Portsmouth and is wholly owned by the Ministry of Defence as part of the… … Wikipedia
Palpenmotten — Chrysoesthia drurella Systematik Klasse: Insekten (Insecta) Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gelechiidae — Gelechiidae … Wikipédia en Français