Triuris hyalina

Triuris hyalina

Taxobox | name = "Triuris hyalina"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Pandanales
familia = Triuridaceae
genus = "Triuris"
genus_authority =
species = "T. hyalina"
binomial = "Triuris hyalina"
binomial_authority = Miers
synonyms =
* "Triuris brevistylis" J. D. Arnold

"Triuris hyalina" is a species in genus "Triuris". It is a tiny flowering plant no larger than a moss, and is known from Guatemala and Brazil.

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* [ Photos and description]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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