Carlos Góngora

Carlos Góngora

Carlos Góngora Mercado (born April 25, 1989) is an amateur boxer from Ecuador best known to win a bronze medal at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio in the men's middleweight division.


At the South American Games southpaw Góngora lost the final to Venezuelan Alfonso Blanco.At the PanAms 2007 the 18 year old from El Coca easily beat Blanco 20:6 in a rematch before losing to eventual winner Emilio Correa from Cuba in the semis 13:21.

At the World Championships 2007 he beat an Italian but ran into superstar and eventual winner Matvey Korobov and lost by RSCO.

At the Copa Independencia 2008 he reached the final but lost to old foe Correa 3:16.At the Olympic qualifier he lost once again to Correa but qualified nevertheless after beating fighters like Shawn Estrada.

At the Olympics he won his first matches against German Konstantin Buga and Greek Georgios Gazis 12:1..

External links

* [ PanAm 2007 results]
* [ World 2007]

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