Gregor Mann

Gregor Mann

Infobox soap character
series = Verbotene Liebe

caption = Andreas Jancke as Gregor Mann
name = Gregor Mann
first= Episode 2396
16 February 2005
gender = Male
residence = Apartment of the boarding-house 'No Limits'
Düsseldorf, Germany
parents = Wolfgang Mann
(father; deceased)
Luise Mann
(mother; deceased)
siblings = Christian Mann
spouse = Sarah Hofmann
(separated, 2007-present)
children = Unnamed child
(sex unknown, with Nathalie; miscarriage)
Amelie Hofmann
(daughter, with Sarah; miscarriage)
romances = Vanessa von Beyenbach
Cécile de Maron
(flirtation, deaceased)
Vanessa von Beyenbach
Max Frei
Nathalie Käppler
Max Frei
Coco Faber
Sarah Hofmann
Max Frei
Sarah Hofmann
Olivia Schneider
Miriam Pesch
Rebecca von Lahnstein
occupation = Owner of the coffee lounge 'No Limits'
Former Owner of a helicopter service
Former helicopter pilot
Former callboy
portrayer = Andreas Jancke

Gregor Mann is a fictional character on German soap opera "Verbotene Liebe (Forbidden Love)". The character has been portrayed by actor Andreas Jancke since February 16, 2005.

Character's background

The charming and intelligent Gregor is very attractive to women and know how to enjoy this. In Düsseldorf, Gregor visits his old friend Nathalie Käppler (Jenny Winkler) and makes Lars Schneider (Herbert Ulrich) jealous with his relationship to Nathalie. Ansgar von Lahnstein (Wolfram Grandezka) knows Gregor too. Both were best friend when they were younger. Ansgar finds in Gregor an intimate, who he can tell all his worries.

Gregor wants to move into a little apartment, but the landlady Elisabeth Brandner (Martina Servatius) wants a prove about his income. Now, Gregor has a problem since nobody knows that he works as a call-boy.

After she can't love the man she wants, Sarah Hofmann (Sina-Valeska Jung) begins to have strong feelings for Gregor. In the beginning, Gregor tries not to make a big deal out of his relationship with Sarah, but then he falls deeply in love with her. But Sarah has still to deal with her feelings for her half-brother Leonard von Lahnstein (Lars Korten). But Leonard and Sarah know that they can never be together and he rushs into a new relationship with Jana Brandner (Vanessa Jung). Sarah begins to concentrate on her love with Gregor, when his former fiancèe Max comes back to Düsseldorf. She begs for a second chance and Gregor begins to realize that he still has feelings for her. Sarah sees that and breaks up with him. But after a night with Max, Gregor knows who he really loves: Sarah! Max leaves Düsseldorf again and Sarah gives Gregor a second chance.

But Sarah is still not over Leonard and can't hold her feelings any longer. Both drive to Paris to say a final goodbye to each other. In Düsseldorf, Adrian Degenhardt (Klaus Zmorek) receives a letter from the late Francesca, Leonard's mother. In this letter, Adrian reads that he is Leonard's biological father. That means that after all, Sarah and Leonard are not related to each other. They come back from their Paris trip and want to start a new life with their partners. Gregor proposes to Sarah and she says "yes". But before they are married, Sarah wants to tell Gregor the truth about her trip with Leonard. Gregor forgives her and they get married. Soon afterwards, Jana and Leonard want to get married too. Adrian finally realizes that Leonard needs to know that he is his father, and comes to the wedding. He tells Johannes von Lahnstein (Thomas Gumpert) the truth and he is shocked. Now, Johannes wants to tell Leonard that Sarah and him aren't brother and sister, but he comes too late. Jana and Leonard are already married.

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