Nanno (animal)

Nanno (animal)

fossil_range = Middle Ordovician
name = " Nanno "

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Cephalopoda
subclassis = Nautiloidea
ordo = Endocerida
familia = Endoceratidae
genus = " Nanno "
genus_authority = Clarke, 1941

Nanno in cephalopod paleontology, as commonly used, refers to endocerids in which the siphuncle swells to fill the entire apex of the shell leaving septa and camerae to begin a few centimeters forward, having a morphologic rather than a taxonomic connotation.

The term is based on the genus "Nanno", named by Clarke in 1894 for the apical end of an endocerid from the Trenton Limestone of New York state that has the basic description, possibly the senior synonym for "Proterovaginoceras" . As a valid genus, Nanno is included in the Endoceratidae but the nanno type apex may be found in other families


*Flower R. H. 1955 , Status of Endoceroid Classification, Journ Paleontology V.29, no.3, May 1955, pp 329- 370
*Teichert, C, 1964, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Vol K, p. K178 in Endoceratidae, start p K170; GSA and University of Kansas Press.

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