Kan Balam

Kan Balam

Kan Balam (also known as KanBalam) is a computer cluster located in Mexico City, on the main campus of the UNAM. With a capacity of 7.113 teraflops, 3016GB of RAM and 160TB of storage, it is the number one in Latin America. It started working since January 16 2007.

Among the objectives of this super computer is to allow Mexican researchers to work with highly modern infrastructure without the necessity of leaving the country, thus helping to stop the brain drain that the country has had in the last years. The principal subjects aided by this computer are astrophysics, particle physics, quantum physics,geology and is mainly devoted towards seismic engineering. It will also be used to do weather measurements and it will ne available for public and private companies.



The computer has 1368 AMD Opteron 2.6 GHz processors and 3016GB RAM, distributed in 337 calculation nodes, each with 8GB RAM and two DUO processors and in 5 specialized nodes with 64GB RAM each.


KanBalam has a storage system of 768 hard disks, with 200GB each.


The processing nodes communicate with the storage system in a high speed network. It connects 576 ports with 2 switches infiniband, reaching speed of the order of 10 Gbyte/s


The computer has 4 HP service nodes.


Kan Balam uses Redhat Enterprise Linux. [ [http://mx.groups.yahoo.com/group/GNU-Linux/message/2112 Yahoo! Grupos ] ]


At the very beginning the computer was unable to run at optimal speed or make use of the full power of the processors, a problem which DGSCA was already well aware of (it was inaugurated before it's final installation was completed). Technically a whole 1/3 of the nodes were unable to run due to temperature issues in the work room (when running all nodes at 100% their capacity). In recent dates, the computer's performance has been stabilized (with the addition of 2 more cooling units) and is near optimal condition.
This prompted an alarmist reaction among the first users which provoked a local periodical to falsely publish and fabricate a suppossed "meltdown" of the nodes in early June of 2007. [http://www.contralinea.com.mx/archivo/2007/junio/htm/Quema_supercomputadora_UNAM_kamBalam.html]


External links

* [http://www.dgcs.unam.mx/gacetaweb/2007/070118/gaceta.pdf Gaceta UNAM N°3953. La UNAM, líder del supercómputo en AL]
* [http://www.jornada.unam.mx/ultimas/2007/01/18/permitira-supercomputadora-analizar-temblores-silenciosos La Jornada - Permitirá supercomputadora analizar temblores silenciosos]
* [http://www.argenpress.info/nota.asp?num=038853 Argenpress - La UNAM tiene computadora más potente de América Latina]
* [http://www.prensalatina.com.mx/article.asp?ID=%7BFEC0C9E6-9AAB-4349-8E15-D8F813B56E9C%7D&language=ES Prensalatina.com - Nueva supercomputadora estudiará fenómenos sismológicos en México]
* [http://www.esmas.com/noticierostelevisa/mexico/596562.html Esmas.com - Inaugura UNAM nueva supercomputadora]
* [http://www.contralinea.com.mx/archivo/2007/junio/htm/Quema_supercomputadora_UNAM_kamBalam.html super computer burns]

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