Jo Weil

Jo Weil

Jo Weil (* 29 August 1977 in Frankfurt, Germany) is a German actor.

Jo Weil graduated in Fulda. After that, he began an acting training and took private acting lessons. Then in 1999 he became the contract role of Oliver Sabel in the soap opera "Verbotene Liebe". He left the show after three years for a role in the primetime action-drama "Medicopter 117 - Jedes Leben zählt". The show got canceled in 2004. Jo moved on and took acting lessons in the USA. In 2007 he returned to Germany and reunited with his old role in "Verbotene Liebe".

TV Shows

* 1997: Geliebte Schwestern
* 1997: Der Einstellungstest
* 1999: Motorradcops
* 1999–2002: Verbotene Liebe, as "Oliver Sabel"
* 2002–2004: Medicopter 117 – Jedes Leben zählt, as "Florian Lenz"
* since 2007: Verbotene Liebe, as "Oliver Sabel"

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