

Paglo is a search engine for IT professionals that allows them to discover all of their IT data and solve computer, network, and user problems. The company was launched on November 19, 2007.

Paglo consists of three key components: Paglo Crawler, Paglo Search Index, and Paglo UI. Users download the open source [ Paglo Crawler] to run on their network on any desktop computer or server. It crawls their network and IT assets and gathers information, which it then securely uploads to each user’s private Paglo Search Index.

Via a browser and the Paglo UI, users access their account to query their Paglo Search Index, to display the results as chart a hole blas, lists, or tables. Users can save queries onto a Dashboard that continuously self-updates as the Crawler uploads fresh data. Users can also save their queries and Dashboard views for the community to use. The company has termed this communal aspect of Paglo, [ "Social Solving"]

The beta service is on-demand and free. Paglo is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. The name Paglo, is in honor of the fictitious, 17th century Italian explorer, [ Francisco Paglo] .


Paglo was founded in July 2007, after CEO Brian de Haaff and CTO Dr. Chris Waters led the successful sale of Network Chemistry's wireless security business to Aruba Networks (NASDAQ: ARUN).Paglo also includes two popular network troubleshooting and management tools developed by Paglo's founders, [ Packetyzer] and [ RogueScanner] .

The company was launched on November 19, 2007 and entered a private beta period in late January 2008. More than 800 companies used the Paglo service as part of the company’s early access program. A number of users declared that Paglo is "Google for IT." Others called Paglo a "Web 2.0 approach to IT" and a "revolution for IT administrators left in the Jurassic age." On May 27, 2008 the public beta of service was opened. The Beta included a new and improved look, as well as community and “social solving” features that make it even easier for people to find answers to tough IT issues. The company also introduced the ability for the community to share searches, dashboards, and alerts through [ Paglo share-its] and be recognized for their contributions.

IT professionals benefit from the wisdom of their peers. Searches, dashboards, and alerts can be instantly saved as a Paglo share-it, and can then be shared within a company or with the entire Paglo community. Share-its are categorized by type and contain the search syntax to answer a specific question or generate quantitative results. All users can take advantage of share-its and modify them to meet their specific needs. When a share-it is used, the returned information is based on the specific data in the user’s Search Index.

External links

* [ Paglo company Web site]
* [ Paglo blog]
* [ "Google for IT?"] by Andrew Conry-Murray, InformationWeek
* [ "Paglo Is "Google for IT"] by Kristen Nicole, Mashable
* [ "Paglo: A Web 2.0 approach to IT"] by Harrison Hoffman, CNET
* [ "Paglo Unveils World's First Search Engine for IT"]
* [ "Paglo debuts IT search engine as a service"] by Dan Farber, ZDNet

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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