- Athouli
Athouli is a village located in the sub-district of
Phagwara , DistrictKapurthala , East Punjab,India .Athouli contains 246 households and has a population of 1,331 people of which 703 are males and 703 are females. [ [http://www.censusindia.gov.in Indian Census] ]
Athouli is home to the
Guru Nanak Institute of Health Sciences and Research ("GNI") which is a nursing institute providing nursing education to students in Punjab. [G. N. Institute website, http://www.gnnetathouli.org] GNI is partnered withBellingham Technical College based inBellingham, Washington , USA, for the provision of healthcare education. [Bellingham Technical College, http://www.btc.ctc.edu]the gurdwara sahib Baba Bhai Desu Ji is remarkable place in the village
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