

[ Paganello] is a beach ultimate event held over the Easter weekend on the [,12.562866&spn=1.847464,3.273926&z=8&iwloc=addr&om=1 Rimini Beach (Italy)] . The sport competitions taking place during Paganello are the World Beach Ultimate Cup and the Acrobatic Freestyle Paganello.In Rimini and at Paganello [ Beach Ultimate] was invented, the beach version of Ultimate, the team sport played with the frisbee.Held for the first time in 1991, Paganello has now become the world's biggest frisbee event (not considering the world championships) and one of the most famous and prestigious tournaments of the international circuit.Most of the best Europe teams usually attend Paganello and a remarkable number of american teams. The same goes for the freestyle competition. The represented nations are about 25, the athletes attending more than 1200 and the games played almost 500.The tournament takes place throughout four days which end on Monday afternoon with the finals of the four divisions: juniors, mixed, women's and men's in front of about 10.000 spectators.Besides the sport competition, Paganello is a unique chance to know and meet people and cultures from all over the world and live a total and extraordinary experience on the beach.Paganello is an evento organized by Cota & Tequila Production and [ Libera Società del Frisbee Rimini] .

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