

Infobox State of former Yugoslavia Political Party
party_name = Zares
english_name = For Real
country = Slovenia
leader = Gregor Golobič
predecessor =
in_office =
foundation = 2007
ideology = Liberalism,
Social liberalism,
Social democracy
headquarters = Ljubljana
colours = orange
yugo_affiliation =
website_address =
website_title = Zares Website
european = European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party [cite web |title=ELDR Party - Three new member parties and formulating a 2009 EU campaigning strategy |url= |accessdate=2008-09-22]

"Zares" (Slovene for For Real) is a centre-left social liberal political party in the Republic of Slovenia. Its motto is "New Politics" ( _sl. nova politika). Its president is Gregor Golobič, ex Secretary General of the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia and former close advisor to Janez Drnovšek, who had previously abandoned active political involvement due to disagreements with his party.

"Zares" was founded in 2007 as the result of a split within the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia, when 6 MPs of the National Assembly, led by former Minister of Economy Matej Lahovnik, left their original party and founded a new parliamentary group. In the 2007 presidential election, the party supported Danilo Türk.

Since 17 November 2007, "Zares" has been a member of the Liberal International. The party supports a socially liberal and economically social-democrat agenda, strongly supports the European Union and is a staunch opponent of the current Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša.

The party's first election, they gathered 9.4% of the vote, gaining 9 parliamentary seats and becoming the third strongest party in Slovenia. Before the election the party allied itself with The Social Democrats and The Liberal Democracy of Slovenia in an unofficial coalition. They are expected to form a part of the new left-centre government.

The famous Slovenian Marxist philosopher Slavoj Žižek has also voiced his support for the party, as did the prominent literary historian and philosopher Taras Kermauner, writer Feri Lainšček and influential editor and journalist Bernarda Jeklin.

Prominent members

*Gregor Golobič
*Matej Lahovnik
*Majda Širca
*Pavle Zgaga
*Franco Juri
*Ivo Vajgl
*Janez Kopač
*Vito Turk
*Felicita Medved
*Andrej Rus
*Branko Lobnikar

External links

* [ ZARES - new politics] official site


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