- Thunder Bay City Council
The Thunder Bay City Council is the governing body of the City of Thunder Bay,
Ontario ,Canada . It consists of a mayor and twelve councillors. The mayor and five of the councillors are elected at large, with one councillor being elected for each of the city's seven wards: Current River, McIntyre, McKeller, Neebing, Northwood, Red River, and Westfort. [ [http://www.thunderbay.ca/cityservices/index.cfm?fuse=ServiceDetails&thisservice=48 Thunder Bay Guide to Municipal Services - Municipal Government; See: Wards] . Retrieved4 June 2007 ] Council members are elected to four year terms. The last election was held on13 November ,2006 .Thunder Bay City Council meets at 6:30 PM on Monday evenings at Thunder Bay City Hall, located at 500 Donald Street East in the downtown core of the former city of Fort William.
Thunder Bay City Council,
2006 -2010 * Mayor
Lynn Peterson
*Iain Angus , councillor at large
* Larry Hebert, councillor at large
* Rebecca Johnson, councillor at large
* Frank Pullia, councillor at large
* Aldo Ruberto, councillor at large
* Mark Bentz, Northwood ward
* Andrew Foulds, Current River ward
* Trevor Giertuga, McIntyre ward
* Brian McKinnon, Red River ward
* Linda Rydholm, Neebing ward
* Robert Tuchenhagen, McKellar ward
* Joe Virdiramo, Westfort wardSee also
Thunder Bay municipal election, 2006 References
* [http://www.thunderbay.ca/docs/cityhall/4193.pdf A detailed map of Thunder Bay's seven wards] 167KB.
* [http://www.thunderbay.ca/index.cfm?fuse=html&pg=29 Thunder Bay City Council - Contact Page]
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